

The 14th expanded meeting of the presidium of the Asian headquarters of the United Nations Federation of jianyimei cultural industries (UNB) was held

2021年12月20日 21:05 来源:世界文联通讯处

December 20, 2021 21:05 source: World Federation of literary and art Communications Office

摘要:12月20日晚上8点,联合国健艺美文化产业总会(UNB)亚洲总部主席团十三次扩大会议如期举行,创会主席罗华党先生对上周工作进行总结,并授权亚洲影视文化协会副主席乐庭(柳亚庭)先生 、事业促进会秘书长乐连(齐连友)先生、事业促进会副主席乐利(王永利)先生、全球联盟世界和平友谊宣传大使乐君(苏名君 Kelley)女士、亚洲书画家协会常务副主席张普悦(乐悦)先生轮流主持大会;秘书处及其他各协会相继汇报上周工作情况,并对近期工作计划进行公示。

Abstract: at 8 p.m. on December 13, The 13th expanded meeting of the presidium of the Asian headquarters of the United Nations jianyimei Cultural Industry Association (UNB) was held as scheduled. Mr. Luo huadang, the chairman of the founding meeting, summarized the work of last week and authorized Mr. Le Ting (Liu Yating), vice chairman of the Asian Film and Television Culture Association, Mr. Le Lian (Ding liuqiang), Secretary General of the career promotion association, and Le Li, vice chairman of the career promotion association Mr. (Wang Yongli), Ms. Le Jun (Su Mingjun Kelley), world peace and friendship publicity ambassador of the global alliance, and Mr. Zhang puyue (Le Yue), executive vice president of the Asian calligraphers and Painters Association, presided over the meeting in turn. The Secretariat and other associations reported on their work last week and publicized their recent work plans.



 chairman of Luohua party


Full text of the meeting:

世界文联第三届主席团于12月20日召开第十四次扩大会议,以微信群会议的方式举行。会上,创会主席罗华党先生对上周工作进行总结,并授权亚洲影视文化协会副主席乐庭(柳亚庭)先生 、事业促进会秘书长乐连(齐连友)先生、事业促进会副主席乐利(王永利)先生、全球联盟世界和平友谊宣传大使乐君(苏名君 Kelley)女士、亚洲书画家协会常务副主席张普悦(乐悦)先生轮流主持大会。本次大会的主持人是联合国华人艺术家总会副主席、马来西亚主席王元沁女士

The third presidium of the World Federation of literary and art circles held its 13th expanded meeting on December 13 in the form of wechat group meeting. At the meeting, Mr. Luo huadang, chairman of the founding Committee, summarized last week's work, And authorize Mr. Le Ting (Liu Yating), vice president of the Asian Film and Television Culture Association, Mr. Le Lian (Ding liuqiang), Secretary General of the Cause Promotion Association, Mr. Le Li (Wang Yongli), vice president of the Cause Promotion Association, Ms. Le Jun (Su Mingjun Kelley), world peace and friendship publicity ambassador of the global alliance, and Zhang puyue, executive vice president of the Asian calligraphers and Painters Association Mr. Le Yue presided over the conference in turn. The moderator of the conference was Ms. Wang Yuanqin, vice president of the United Nations Federation of Chinese artists and President of Malaysia.


Mr. Liu Yating, vice president of the Asian Film and Television Culture Association; Ms. Wang Zhaojun, executive director of Asian Film and Television Culture Association; CCTV happiness bill golden 100 seconds eloquence king; Director Chen Kun, Secretary General of the Asian Film Association; Mr. Zhu enzhuang, executive director of Asian calligraphers and Painters Association; Mr. Wang Yongli, vice chairman of the Association for the promotion of business; Mr. Yang Yapeng, chairman of the Asian Economic Association; Ms. Xiao Fengying, Secretary General of Asian Dramatists Association; Ms. Wang Fuying, Deputy Secretary General of the Asian Film and Television Culture Association; Ms. Chi Lian; Mr. Li Zhiqun; Mr. Liu Wenyi, head of Beijing Song and dance troupe; Ms. Su Mingjun Kelley, world peace and friendship publicity ambassador; Mr. chairman of global Aihua media headquarters; Mr. Qin Zhiming, chairman of China Red Culture Association; Mr. Le Lian, Secretary General of Career Promotion Association; Mr. Pan Baoqing, national senior antique art appraiser; Mr. Wang Xinggui, vice president of Asian Dramatists Association; Mr. Dick Chen, Secretary General of Asian Live Broadcasting Association; CCTV love singer Mr. Mei Nanlin; Mr. Zhang Zongzhen, a special actor of Jiang Gong; Ms. Shi Tongxian, deputy project director of the overseas edition of the people's daily, attended the meeting.



▲ Ms. Wang Yuanqin



Miss Li Siqi, Malaysian online celebrity



At 8:00 p.m., Mr. Luo huadang, chairman of the founding meeting, announced the beginning of the meeting, read out the agenda of that night, and summarized the work of last week as follows:


Good evening, comrades attending the meeting. First, I'll give a brief report on last week's organizational work;


First of all, I would like to introduce the newly appointed presidium members of associations at headquarters last week:

△杨亚鹏先生:亚洲经济协会主席 (多是位成功企业家,旗下有多家公司)

△ Mr. Yang Yapeng: Chairman of the Asian Economic Association (most of them are successful entrepreneurs, and there are many companies under his banner)


△ Mr. Liu Zhiqun: Vice President of the Asian executive yuan (a military cadre and former head of local government departments)


△ Mr. Song Jinqi: editor in chief of the elite network of the World Federation of literary and art circles (senior film and television actor)


The completion of the work is as follows;

① 大型网络剧《艺恋人的故事之人物篇 世界300位名人传》第四章人物金曼(联合国健艺美组织音协名誉副主席丶第三代江姐)、王渭(世文联音协会名誉副主席 丶中科院物理学家)、李多海(联合国健艺美组织影协名誉常务理事丶韩国演员)、王健 (联合国健艺美组织影协名誉副主席丶原河南省话剧院长)、王元沁(联合国健艺美组织马来西亚主席)、傅庚辰(联合国健艺美组织音协名誉主席 原军艺院长)、习红丽(世文联亚洲总部秘书长)、高伟松(联合国健艺美组织电影协会副主席、 全球华人总导演)已经完成并全网发布。

① The characters in the fourth chapter of the large-scale online drama "the story of art lovers: biographies of 300 celebrities in the world" (Jin man, honorary vice chairman of the United Nations jianyimei organization sound Association and the third generation of Jiang Jie), Wang Wei (honorary vice chairman of the World Federation of literary and art associations and physicist of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), Li Duohai (honorary executive director of the United Nations jianyimei organization Film Association and Korean actor), Wang Jian (honorary vice president of the United Nations jianyimei organization Film Association and former president of Henan drama), Wang Yuanqin (Malaysian president of the United Nations jianyimei organization), Fu Gengchen (honorary president of the United Nations jianyimei organization Music Association and former president of military art), Xi Hongli (Secretary General of the Asian headquarters of the World Federation of literary and Art), Gao Weisong (vice chairman of the film association of the United Nations health, art and beauty organization and global Chinese general director) has been completed and released on the whole network.

② 《艺恋人的故事》剧本《人物篇》通过个人小传的形式进行展示,主要内容为艺术家本人的艺术历程,篇幅一千至一万字均可,个人图片(艺术照、生活照、活动照等10张左右)。资料准备好,通过微信、QQ邮箱等发给剧组委员会的乐楼即可;需要代笔的可由乐楼安排编辑部同事撰写,代笔费900元(可直接交给财务部对公账户,或由罗华党主席代为转交财务部)。周向党、李元华、张瑜、张华敏、陈晓光、高丽莉、王昭君、陈昆、阿依古丽、谭邦兰、楼兰、牛卓、于引、凯丽、翟施特劳斯、赛吉、陈元生丶佟文西丶玛丽娅芳等30名主要成员需要完善资料的,请与乐楼联系。

② The script "characters" of the story of art lovers is displayed in the form of a personal biography. The main content is the artist's own artistic process, which can be between 1000 and 10000 words, Personal pictures (about 10 art photos, life photos, activity photos, etc.) can be sent to le Lou of the crew Committee through wechat, QQ email, etc. if you need to write on behalf of others, Le Lou can arrange colleagues in the editorial department to write on behalf of others, and the writing fee is 900 yuan (it can be directly handed over to the corporate account of the finance department or handed over to the finance department on behalf of the chairman of Luo huadang). Zhou Xiangdang, Li Yuanhua, Zhang Yu, Zhang Huamin, Chen Xiaoguang, Gao Lili, Wang Zhaojun, Chen Kun, ayguli, Tan banglan, Lou Lan, Niu Zhuo, Yu Yin, Kelly, Zhai Strauss, Saiji, Chen Yuansheng, Tong Wenxi, Maria Fang and other 30 key members need to improve their data , please contact Le Lou.

③ 任命宋金奇为世界文联精英网主篇、徐仕杰为常务副主编、廖杰为副主篇。

③ Song Jinqi was appointed as the main article of the elite network of the World Federation of literary and art circles, Xu Shijie as the executive deputy editor in chief and Liao Jie as the Deputy main article.

④网络剧主题曲音乐制作方面, 刚毅、书生制作间加紧制作前20首网络剧音乐,己完成13首。歌手张华敏、王昭君 王圣依 等 也在加快练唱插曲。

④ In terms of music production of online drama theme songs, resolute and scholar production rooms have stepped up the production of the top 20 online drama music, and 13 have been completed. Singers Zhang Huamin, Wang Zhaojun and Wang Shengyi are also speeding up their practice of singing interludes.


⑤ All regiments of the general Regiment (under preparation)

a 影视艺术团

A film and Television Art Troupe

团长: 韩淸华

Head: Han Qinghua

副团长 :汤红星、黄万君、吴永灵

Deputy heads: Tang Hongxing, Huang Wanjun, Wu Yongling

b 黄梅戏艺术团

B Huangmei Opera Troupe


Head: Wang Xinggui


Deputy head: Xiao Fengying

c 服饰艺术团

C Clothing Art Troupe


Head: Zhang Yu


Deputy heads: Tian Yang, Xin Yunping

d 女子乐团

D women's Orchestra


Head: Liu Wenyi

e 模特艺术团

E model art troupe


Head: Zhu Yueqiao


Deputy head: Su Mingjun

f 歌舞团

F song and Dance Troupe

团长: 刘海、依娜

Head: bangs, ina


Deputy heads: Hu Huili, Wang Zhaojun, Jiang Qin

g 红色文化艺术团

G red culture and Art Troupe


Head: Duan Dongsheng


Deputy heads: Qin Zhiming, Li Ning


... (29) all associations can declare that they will be approved to be established if they meet the conditions.

⑥ 张家界亚洲国际电影节项目继续推进中、亚洲音乐家协会重庆两江音乐馆成立、亚洲收藏家协会重庆收藏分会挂牌筹备中。重庆美术分会、重庆企业家俱乐部工作正常开展。

⑥ The Zhangjiajie Asian International Film Festival project continues to be promoted, the Chongqing Liangjiang Music Museum of the Chinese and Asian Musicians Association is established, and the Chongqing Collection Branch of the Asian collectors association is in preparation for listing. The work of Chongqing art branch and Chongqing Entrepreneur Club was carried out normally.

⑦世文联促进会渝商品版春晚 在重庆即将召开(欢迎大家报名)

⑦ The Chongqing commodity edition Spring Festival Gala of the World Federation of literary and art circles Promotion Association will be held in Chongqing soon (welcome to sign up)





Following the work report of Mr. Luo huadang, President of the founding Committee of the World Federation of literary and art circles, Mr. Wang Xinggui, vice president of the Asian Opera Association, suggested that the 2022 Spring Festival Gala could not be held, and strive to hold a meeting and friendship Party (tea party) for the backbone of the World Federation of literary and art circles before the new year. Considering the repeated and uncertain epidemic situation, we can only wait for the opportunity;


Chairman Luo and leaders;


hello everyone! I was inspired by the speech of the leaders above! We Huangmei Opera are starting a group all the way, implementing the arrangement of actors and operas, and resolutely completing the tasks entrusted to us by chairman Luo and the organization. Realistically speaking, we also face many difficulties, such as the selection of actors, the implementation of venues, capital preparation, and so on. We hope to get the care and support of the upper level organizations and leaders. However, we also understand the difficulties of president Luo and the WCu.


In order to develop and expand the World Federation of literary and art circles, I once put forward my personal initiatives and suggestions at the conference, trying to attract jade, but I found that I didn't get much response. " Support and friendship are more important than anything. Maybe some leaders and colleagues can't understand my cool heart. " People gather firewood and the flame is high ", which is the basic and effective way for us to do everything.


President Luo has difficulties with the top leaders of the headquarters. In fact, there is still a veil between the wcif and the upper leaders and our lower leaders. It is absolutely necessary to deepen the mutual understanding, understanding and integration between the leadership and the lower level. Otherwise, our organization will be a mess.


It is necessary for us to hold a meeting and friendship party in the form of AA without the impact of the epidemic!



▲ Mr. Wang Xinggui


Following the speech made by Mr. Wang Xinggui, vice chairman of the Asian Opera Association, Mr. Liu Wenyi, head of the Beijing Song and dance troupe, also gave a brief report on his recent work. The original text is as follows;


Chairman Luo, leaders and colleagues;


hello everyone! One belt, one road project, has entered the reporting stage, especially in recent days. Due to the complex filing procedures of national major events, personnel political review and program selection are a long project. Taking advantage of the reporting time, the women's light music troupe, which is preparing to learn the performance mode of peony peak in North Korea, has basically formed its management structure and program flow. The women musicians of the light music troupe are actively auditioning. I hope you will give support!

刘文艺   世文联文工团总团常务副团长.jpg


Mr. Liu Wenyi


Following a brief report by Mr. Liu Wenyi, head of the Beijing Song and dance troupe, Mr. Wang Yongli, vice chairman of the career promotion association, also introduced the personnel formation of the Development Committee of the headquarters.



▲ Mr. Wang Yongli


Following the speech of Mr. Wang Yongli, vice chairman of the career promotion association, the chairman of Aihua media headquarters also gave a brief report, the original text is as follows;


Global Aihua media will hold an Asian red culture inheritance Gala in Hong Kong in 2023. The international premiere will invite the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, the vice president of the Executive Yuan and the chairman of our Luo Hua party.



Mr. President, global Aihua media headquarters


Following the speech by Mr. President of the global Aihua media headquarters, Wang Yongli, Secretary General of the World Federation of literary and art circles, introduced:


Therefore, we hope and request that at this conference, the leading chairmen of our group, with good products, good programs, good performances and good ideas, we can all welcome you at this National Conference on inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine and the first Global Education Expo on innovative medical innovative products. Show your style to further develop and give full play to the common role of the World Federation of literary and art circles and the United Nations USB joint conference. If you need to be willing to participate, please contact me. I'll give it to the conference, because I'm a member of the preparatory group of the conference.




Mr. Chen Dike


Finally, chairman Wang Yuanqin will make a concluding speech


We are also very much looking forward to the early completion of the drama culture museum in Malaysia. The World Federation of literary and art circles also has this plan for 2022. We may do some drama culture, piano performance and various cultural exchange activities in Malaysia. Through ah, some of my cultural contacts in Malaysia, we can. Ah, do your best to unite all forces that can be united and make positive efforts and contributions to the success of the World Federation of literary and art circles. Thank president Luo, leaders for listening, leaders and artists for participating in this evening's meeting. Thank you for your support.



▲ Ms. Wang Yuanqin


Other participants showed their elegant demeanor



Mr. Liu Yating



Ms. Wang Zhaojun



Eloquence King



Mr. Chen Kun



Mr. Zhu enshuang



Mr. Yang Yapeng



Ms. Xiao Fengying



Ms. Wang Fuying



Ms. Chi Lian



Mr. Li Zhiqun



Ms. Su Mingjun Kelley



Mr. Qin Zhiming



 Mr. Yue  Lian



Mr. Pan Baoqing (Le pan)



▲ Mr. Mei Nanlin



Mr. Zhang Zongzhen



MS Shi Tongxian


The meeting also studied other matters. The participating members expressed their opinions and expressed their full cooperation to make the World Federation of cultural and art circles develop steadily and grow continuously!



Attachment: relevant information of the 14th expansion Conference


Time: December 2021 20, 8:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m


Venue: working group of UN UNB Presidium

计划参会人员:运营中心及影丶音丶美丶服饰协会相关主席团成员丶及主创人员(乐华 乐坷 乐悦 乐清 乐升 乐瑜 乐慧 乐琼 乐昆 乐斌 乐卓 乐湘 乐平 乐依 乐灵 乐宁 乐丁 乐圣 乐艺 乐楼 乐清 乐秀)。

Planned participants: members of the presidium of the operation center and the film, music, beauty and clothing association, as well as the main creators (Le Hua Le Ke Le Yue Qing Le Sheng Le Yu Le Hui Le Qiong Le Kun Le bin Le Zhuo Le Xiang Le Ping Le Yi Le Ling Le Ning Le Ding Le Sheng Le Yi Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Lou Le Qing Le Xiu).



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