

The 15th expanded meeting of the presidium of the Asian headquarters of the United Nations Federation of jianyimei cultural industries (UNB) was held

2021年12月27日 21:05 来源:世界文联通讯处

December 27, 2021 21:05 source: World Federation of literary and art Communications Office

摘要:世界文联第三届主席团于12月27日召开第十五次扩大会议,以网络会议的方式举行。会上,创会主席罗华党先生对上周工作进行总结,并授权亚洲影视文化协会副主席乐庭(柳亚庭)先生 、事业促进会秘书长乐连(齐连友)先生、事业促进会副主席乐利(王永利)先生、全球联盟世界和平友谊宣传大使乐君(苏名君 Kelley)女士、亚洲书画家协会常务副主席张普悦(乐悦)先生轮流主持大会。本次大会的主持人是联合国华人艺术家总会副主席、马来西亚主席王元沁女士。秘书处及其他各协会相继汇报上周工作情况,并对近期工作计划进行公示。

Abstract: The third presidium of the World Federation of literary and art circles held its 15th expanded meeting on December 27 in the form of wechat group meeting. At the meeting, Mr. Luo huadang, chairman of the founding Committee, summarized last week's work, And authorize Mr. Le Ting (Liu Yating), vice president of the Asian Film and Television Culture Association, Mr. Le Lian (Ding liuqiang), Secretary General of the Cause Promotion Association, Mr. Le Li (Wang Yongli), vice president of the Cause Promotion Association, Ms. Le Jun (Su Mingjun Kelley), world peace and friendship publicity ambassador of the global alliance, and Zhang puyue, executive vice president of the Asian calligraphers and Painters Association Mr. Le Yue presided over the conference in turn. The moderator of the conference was Ms. Wang Yuanqin, vice president of the United Nations Chinese Artists Association and President of Malaysia. The Secretariat and other associations reported on their work last week and publicized their recent work plans.

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 chairman of Luohua party



Secretary General Tan banglan


Full text of the meeting:

世界文联第三届主席团于12月27日召开第十五次扩大会议,以网络会议的方式举行。会上,创会主席罗华党先生对上周工作进行总结,并授权亚洲影视文化协会副主席乐庭(柳亚庭)先生 、事业促进会秘书长乐连(齐连友)先生、事业促进会副主席乐利(王永利)先生、全球联盟世界和平友谊宣传大使乐君(苏名君 Kelley)女士、亚洲书画家协会常务副主席张普悦(乐悦)先生轮流主持大会。本次大会的主持人是联合国华人艺术家总会副主席、马来西亚主席王元沁女士

The third presidium of the World Federation of literary and art circles held its 15th expanded meeting on December 27 in the form of wechat group meeting. At the meeting, Mr. Luo huadang, chairman of the founding Committee, summarized last week's work, And authorize Mr. Le Ting (Liu Yating), vice president of the Asian Film and Television Culture Association, Mr. Le Lian (Ding liuqiang), Secretary General of the Cause Promotion Association, Mr. Le Li (Wang Yongli), vice president of the Cause Promotion Association, Ms. Le Jun (Su Mingjun Kelley), world peace and friendship publicity ambassador of the global alliance, and Zhang puyue, executive vice president of the Asian calligraphers and Painters Association Mr. Le Yue presided over the conference in turn. The moderator of the conference was Ms. Wang Yuanqin, vice president of the United Nations Federation of Chinese artists and President of Malaysia.


Ms. Wang Yuanqin, vice president of the United Nations Federation of Chinese artists and President of Malaysia; Ms. Qin Jinming, Deputy Secretary General of the World Federation of literary and art circles; Mr. Li Zhiqun, vice president of the executive yuan of the United Nations UNB Federation of cultural industries; Mr. Yang Yapeng, chairman of the Asian Economic Association; Mr. He Chengbin, vice president of Asian Artists Association; Mr. Wang Yongli, vice chairman of the Association for the promotion of business; Mr. Song Jinqi, executive vice chairman of the Asian filmmakers Association; Ms. Tang Shi, director of the office of the executive yuan of the United Nations UNB Federation of cultural industries; Mr. Qin Zhiming, chairman of China Red Culture Association; Mr. Wang Xinggui, vice president of Asian Dramatists Association; CCTV happiness bill golden 100 seconds eloquence king; Mr. Tang Hongxing, vice president of the World Federation of literary and art circles; CCTV love singer Mr. Mei Nanlin; Ms. Cybele, founder of Australian TV show; Ms. Shi Tongxian, deputy director of overseas edition of people's daily; Ms. Xiao Fengying, Secretary General of Asian Dramatists Association; Mr. Le Lian, Secretary General of Career Promotion Association; Ms. Wu Yuxia, musician lark; Mr. Zhu enzhuang, executive director of Asian calligraphers and Painters Association; Ms. Li Chunbin, Secretary General of China art troupe; And so on.


Because it was the last expanded meeting of the presidium of the Asian headquarters of the United Nations jianyimei Cultural Industry Association (UNB) in 2021, it was of great significance and the atmosphere at the venue was lively. It lasted nearly three hours and didn't end until 11 p.m.



Ms. Wang Yuanqin's attendance certificate



At 8:00 p.m., Mr. Luo huadang, chairman of the founding meeting, announced the beginning of the meeting, read out the agenda of that night, and summarized the work of last week as follows:


Good evening, comrades attending the meeting. First, I'll give a brief report on last week's organizational work;


First of all, I will introduce the newly appointed presidium members of the headquarters and associations last week;

△梅丽琼:亚洲书画协会副主席 (央视书画总监书画家)

△ Mei Liqiong: Vice Chairman of Asian painting and Calligraphy Association (director of CCTV painting and calligraphy, painter)

△刘芳菲:亚洲宣传部副部长(组织多家杂志社 )

△ Liu Fangfei: Deputy Director of Asia publicity department (organized several magazines)

△文   辉:亚洲书画协会副主席(资深书画家)

△ Wen Hui: Vice Chairman of Asian painting and Calligraphy Association (Senior painter)

△文刚岭:亚洲常务理事(特型演员 口技艺术家)

△ Wen gangling: executive director of Asia (special actor and oral artist)

△唐   诗 :行政院办公室副主任(才女 ,曾主演过记实电影等 )

△ Tang Shi: Deputy Director of the Executive Yuan Office (talented woman, who has starred in documentary films, etc.)


On behalf of the United Nations UNB Cultural Industry Federation and all members of the World Federation of literary and art circles, I would like to express my warm congratulations on the accession of these new comrades. They gather firewood and make greater contributions to the development of the world culture and art industry!


The completion of the work is as follows;

① 大型网络剧《艺恋人的故事之人物篇 世界300位名人传》第四章人物金曼(联合国健艺美组织音协名誉副主席丶第三代江姐)、王渭(世文联音协会名誉副主席 丶中科院物理学家)、李多海(联合国健艺美组织影协名誉常务理事丶韩国演员)、王健 (联合国健艺美组织影协名誉副主席丶原河南省话剧院长)、王元沁(联合国健艺美组织马来西亚主席)、傅庚辰(联合国健艺美组织音协名誉主席 原军艺院长)、习红丽(世文联亚洲总部秘书长)、高伟松(联合国健艺美组织电影协会副主席、 全球华人总导演)、苏名君(联合国健艺美总会外联部主任、台湾演员)、杰西卡.史丹(联合国健艺美组织名誉常务理事 丶加拿大模特)已经完成,同时在300家媒体平台全网发布。

① The characters in the fourth chapter of the large-scale online drama "the story of art lovers: biographies of 300 celebrities in the world" (Jin man, honorary vice chairman of the United Nations jianyimei organization sound Association and the third generation of Jiang Jie), Wang Wei (honorary vice chairman of the World Federation of literary and art associations and physicist of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), Li Duohai (honorary executive director of the United Nations jianyimei organization Film Association and Korean actor), Wang Jian (honorary vice president of the United Nations jianyimei organization Film Association and former president of Henan drama), Wang Yuanqin (Malaysian president of the United Nations jianyimei organization), Fu Gengchen (honorary president of the United Nations jianyimei organization Music Association and former president of military art), Xi Hongli (Secretary General of the Asian headquarters of the World Federation of literary and Art), Gao Weisong (vice chairman of the film association of the United Nations jianyimei organization and general director of global Chinese), Su Mingjun (director of the outreach Department of the United Nations jianyimei Association and Taiwanese actor), and Jessica Stan (honorary executive director of the United Nations jianyimei organization and Canadian model) have been completed and released on the whole network of 300 media platforms.

② 《艺恋人的故事》剧本《人物篇》通过个人小传的形式进行展示,主要内容为艺术家本人的艺术历程,篇幅一千至一万字均可,个人图片(艺术照、生活照、活动照等10张左右)。资料准备好,通过微信、QQ邮箱等发给剧组委员会的乐楼即可;需要代笔的可由乐楼安排编辑部同事撰写,代笔费900元(可直接交给财务部对公账户,或由罗华党主席代为转交财务部)。周向党、李元华、张瑜、张华敏、陈晓光、高丽莉、王昭君、陈昆、阿依古丽、谭邦兰、楼兰、牛卓、于引、莎拉.翟.施特劳斯 Sarah Zhai Strauss、塞吉·卡雷拉斯 Sergi Carreras、陈元生、佟文西、玛丽娅·芳等40名主要成员需要完善资料的,请与乐楼联系。

② The script "characters" of the story of art lovers is displayed in the form of a personal biography. The main content is the artist's own artistic process, which can be between 1000 and 10000 words, Personal pictures (about 10 art photos, life photos, activity photos, etc.) can be sent to le Lou of the crew Committee through wechat, QQ email, etc. if you need to write on behalf of others, Le Lou can arrange colleagues in the editorial department to write on behalf of others, and the writing fee is 900 yuan (it can be directly handed over to the corporate account of the finance department or handed over to the finance department by the chairman of Luohua party on behalf). Zhou Xiangdang, Li Yuanhua, Zhang Yu, Zhang Huamin, Chen Xiaoguang, Gao Lili, Wang Zhaojun, Chen Kun, ayguli, Tan banglan, Lou Lan, Niu Zhuo, Yu Yin, Sarah Zhai Strauss, Sergi Carreras, Chen Yuansheng, Tong Wenxi, Mary If 40 key members such as Ya Fang need to improve their information, please contact Le Lou.

③ 任命宋金奇先生为世界文联精英网主篇、徐仕杰为常务副主编、廖杰为副主篇。刘芳菲女士, 阿依古丽女士,王昭君女士,苏名君女士在世界文联官网各部任职。

③ Appoint Mr. Song Jinqi as the main article of the elite network of the World Federation of literary and art circles, Xu Shijie as the executive deputy editor in chief and Liao Jie as the Deputy main article. Ms. Liu Fangfei, Ms. ayguli, Ms. Wang Zhaojun and Ms. Su Mingjun work in all departments of the official website of the World Federation of literary and art circles.

④音乐制作部:谭邦兰健美操音乐创编完成10集;网络剧主题曲音乐制作方面, 刚毅、书生制作间加紧制作前20首网络剧音乐,己完成15首。歌手张华敏、王昭君、王圣依等也在练唱插曲。

④ Music production department: Tan banglan completed 10 episodes of aerobics music creation; In terms of music production of network drama theme songs, resolute and scholar production rooms have stepped up the production of the top 20 network drama music, and 15 have been completed. Singers Zhang Huamin, Wang Zhaojun and Wang Shengyi are also practicing singing interludes.


⑤ Personnel supplement:


A. World Federation of literary and art Guangzhou Women's Orchestra (under recruitment)

B、东方直播健美操艺术团(负责住宿 .生活金加直播金.招聘中)

B. Oriental live aerobics Art Troupe (responsible for accommodation, living money and live money. Recruitment)


a. Film and Television Art Troupe

团长: 韩淸华

Head: Han Qinghua

副团长 :汤红星、黄万军、吴永灵

Deputy leaders: Tang Hongxing, Huang Wanjun, Wu Yongling


b. Huangmei Opera Troupe


Head: Wang Xinggui


Deputy head: Xiao Fengying

c 、服饰艺术团

c. Costume Art Troupe


Head: Zhang Yu

副团长:田洋 信云萍

Deputy head: Tian Yangxin, Yun Ping


d. Women's Orchestra


Head Liu Wenyi


e. Model Art Troupe


Head: Zhu Yueqiao


Deputy head: Su Mingjun


f. Song and Dance Troupe

团长: 刘海、依娜

Head: bangs, ina


Deputy heads: Wang Zhaojun, Jiang Qin


g. Red culture and Art Troupe


Head: Duan Dongsheng


Deputy heads: Qin Zhiming, Li Ning


... (29) each association can apply for an art troupe. If the conditions are met, it will be allowed to be established.


⑥ Personnel dynamics of the executive yuan of the United Nations UNB Federation of cultural industries

a、总部行政院执行委员会成立 李治群(乐群)、刘亚鹏(乐鹏)、王元沁(乐元)、张普悦(乐悦) 等被任命。

a. The Executive Committee of the executive yuan of the headquarters was established, and Li Zhiqun (Lequn), Liu Yapeng (Lepeng), Wang Yuanqin (Leyuan), Zhang puyue (leyue) and others were appointed.


b. Liu Yapeng (Lepeng) has been appointed as CEO of the headquarters operation center, and other members are still under construction.

运营中心(乐鹏主任)、行政院(乐群副院长)、执行委员会(乐元副主任等)、办公室(乐诗)、艺术总团(乐艺、乐冬副团长)、网络部〈乐奇总编)的成立,为明年世界文联进一步完善体制奠定了坚实基础,是2021年最大的成就 ,希望明年疫情结束,文化艺术活动蓬勃复苏,用一片丹心给世界文艺界创造惊喜。

Operation center (director Le Peng), Executive Yuan (vice president of Lequn), Executive Committee (deputy director Le Yuan, etc.), office (Leshi), Art Troupe The establishment of (deputy head of Leyi and Ledong) and "chief editor of Leqi" of the network department has laid a solid foundation for the further improvement of the system of the World Federation of literary and art next year. It is the greatest achievement in 2021. I hope that the epidemic will end next year, cultural and artistic activities will flourish and recover, and create surprises for the world cultural and artistic circles with a sense of compassion.


Report over!


Founding chairman Luo huadang


On the evening of December 27, 2021




Following the work report of Mr. Luo huadang, President of the World Federation of literary and artistic creation, Ms. Wang Yuanqin, vice president of the United Nations Federation of Chinese artists and President of Malaysia, shared the wonderful process of participating in the "2021 World Chinese Economic Forum".





Group photo of chairman Wang Yuanqin (first from left) and participants


Following the work report of Mr. Luo huadang, President of the World Federation of literary and artistic creation, and after Ms. Wang Yuanqin, vice president of the United Nations Federation of Chinese artists and President of Malaysia, Mr. He Chengbin, vice president of the Asian Artists Association, shared an interesting experience of team organization. The original text is as follows;


[there is a circle for success, and cooperate to form a team]


Text / adapted by he Chengbin 1 (Shanxi) 1


1. Without Liu Bei, Zhang Fei is a meat seller and Guan Yu is a basket Weaver.


Therefore, there should be a circle and team.


Sun Wukong is a monkey without Tang monk, and Tang monk is just a monk without Wu Kong.


So, have a good team.


Potatoes are of ordinary value, so are tomatoes. But since French fries with ketchup, do you think the price has doubled?


Therefore, cooperation is very important



Mr. He Chengbin


After sharing with Mr. He Chengbin, vice president of the Asian Artists Association, Mr. Wang Xinggui, vice president of the Asian Opera Association, made constructive suggestions on the long-term development of the organization:


The 15th joint meeting of Asian presidents at the headquarters of the United Nations UNB organization:


Distinguished chairman Luo, distinguished chairman Le Yuan in office, distinguished leaders and elite artists:


Good evening,everyone!


Time passed so quickly that a week passed unconsciously. In the past week, our Asian Drama Association has mainly done three aspects:


First, publicize and implement the spirit of the 14th Asian presidents' joint meeting of the headquarters of the United Nations UNB last week. The specific work mainly focused on the team building of the Huangmei Opera Troupe, that is, improve the organization, implement the tasks, formulate rules and regulations, and select the backbone and excellent actors at all levels of the Huangmei Opera Troupe.


Second, it is suggested that the World Federation of literary and artistic circles hold the Spring Festival Gala in the form of AA system, or hold the leadership fellowship of the World Federation of literary and artistic circles. After the initiative was issued, many leaders and colleagues responded, supported and participated. From a comprehensive perspective, the number of applicants is not ideal, and we need to continue to mobilize. Whether this work can be implemented or not is related to the mutual trust between the top level and the middle and lower levels of the World Federation of literary and cultural circles, and to the cohesion of our world cultural organization. I always believe that as a large worldwide organization, it is necessary to establish interlocking organizational ties to make people know each other, communicate with each other and get things done. On the contrary, just talking on paper is not enough to achieve our grand goal. In view of this year's epidemic situation, it has been seen that it hinders the realization of our ideas. It can't be realized before the Spring Festival. In the future, when the epidemic situation is stable, we have to do it.


Third, we are looking for a stable activity base. Without a foothold, it is difficult to implement all tasks.


That is my statement. Please criticize and correct any improper points.


Wang Xinggui


On the evening of December 27, 2021



▲ Mr. Wang Xinggui


Following a speech by Mr. Wang Xinggui, vice president of the Asian Opera Association, Mr. Yang Yapeng, President of the Asian Economic Association, talked about the organizational development strategy. The original text is as follows:


As for the overall development strategy of the World Federation of cultural and art circles (wfca), the detailed plan will be completed in the near future and will be sent to you for review at that time. I will explain my speech at this expanded meeting in voice.


Today, December 27, 2021 is coming to an end. There are still five or six days left. For example, the next meeting, the next meeting of our presidium, will be held in 2022. Therefore, this is a key node.


First of all, from the macro level of our entire organization, the foundation is very important for stable and long-term development. Tonight's meeting will be attended by important members such as the Executive Yuan, the Secretariat and the office director. I hope to record the core ideas in the form of meeting minutes, which should be improved. Some of them are the core of the World Federation of literary and art circles, It is also the core of the Executive Yuan.


First, chairman Luo, a gang also spoke. The purpose of the Federation of literary and art circles, including some systems and corresponding policies, is contained in the documents we issued earlier. However, I would like to mention a few points here. The constitution of the first World Federation of literary and art circles, the Constitution of the second associations and the system of the third Federation are not the documents we issued earlier, This system refers to the normative documents on organizational procedures and rules of procedure formulated by the World Federation of literary and art circles through specific procedures. It is a fundamental rule and system. All systems, standards and implementation policies are sealed and distributed to all associations, committees and promotion associations in the form of documents.


Second, since 2021 is coming to an end, and it has been a whole year under the hard work of president Luo, presidents and leaders of the association, but the year is coming to an end. How can we develop, promote and promote the overall international foothold of the Federation next year? So here are some suggestions. Now that the associations have been established, our 29 associations, including the Committee and the Promotion Association, the chairmen of the associations, the committee chairmen and the chairmen of our institutions in one week, make a summary of the work of the associations in 2021 and the work plan in 2022 before the meeting next week. I hope you can understand that since you are the same as us, Everyone is working hard for the development of the World Federation of literary and art circles and working together to promote it. Therefore, each association, our core leaders and our chairmen, this responsibility is very important. How to develop in 2022, we must have a detailed plan. We will always the Executive Yuan, and then summarize according to the detailed plans of each association.


Third, the development of the headquarters. The development of the headquarters is based on the deployment of associations, institutions and executive yuan. Therefore, I will formulate the specific strategic deployment of the headquarters in 2020 and the strategies for recent years after 2022. After the formulation, we will send it to you. The country also has a national five-year plan. Over the past five years, our World Federation of literary and art circles should also have a phased plan. In order to gain a foothold in the world, we must have strategies and tactics. I will comprehensively integrate it according to the original spirit of some documents, including some plans, of the headquarters of our World Federation of literary and art circles, and work with you to promote the headquarters in the world, in the world, in the cultural industry A foothold in the art industry.


For example, 2018 is not obvious. From 2019 to 2021, it is obvious in various industries, businesses and fields at home and abroad, especially from last year to this year, there are many associations and chambers of Commerce. I have summarized that many business associations and associations can't move around at all, but some business associations are fast, fast and perfect. I analyzed myself why they walked steadily and developed rapidly. Here is a core issue, that is, enterprises with good organizational structure, good businesses, good undertakings, good projects, good industries and good fields. To sum up, we should work hard and do our best. However, all good ones that can develop for a long time and develop stably are not completely done, or designed and constructed, With the framework and design, we can make achievements. Otherwise, our cadres will come in a pool of fog, and it is impossible to move forward blindly. Therefore, among our 29 associations, I preliminarily plan to establish 986 groups in China next year, that is, our 29 associations will absorb 986 vice presidents of the core Association, that is, the number of vice presidents of an association is 34. 1183 vice presidents of associations, committees and promotion associations around the world. Among the 1183 people, 986 are domestic and 197 are foreign. What does this 197 mean? It refers to the number of vice presidents in the world, which is arranged by the presidents and then assessed by the headquarters.


One slap doesn't make a sound, and ten chopsticks are made into a plate. The president is an association without a deputy. When two people are combined, they can improve many different fields and the core things involved, because people have different thinking, different realm, different height, different vision, different thinking and different logic, and the results are different. OK, what I just said is the development of our headquarters. There are many detailed contents involved. I will briefly mention the international and global strategic layout of the headquarters in 2022.


Fourth, the headquarters of the World Federation of literary and art circles has established a party branch. The chairmen of all countries, associations, committees and institutions around the world, including relevant leaders, also pay attention to the establishment of the Party branch of the World Federation of literary and art circles. The core of the Party branch is to promote the response to national policies, the call of the state, the requirements of the party and the people, safeguard the interests of the country, the people and the people, With the interests of the country, the people and the people, there will be our development. This is the core.


Second, the Federation of literary and art circles has a charity Promotion Association, which is very good, but here I plan to establish a Patriotic Committee. What is the core? Similarly, we should take the interests of the party, the state and the people as the center, inherit and carry forward our national spirit.


Work of the administrative office: first, pay close attention to the work of the administrative office, guide and assist the work of ministries, commissions and associations, handle the daily work of the Executive Yuan, pay close attention to development and implement measures. 2、 Pay close attention to the planning and arrangement of daily affairs, organize the implementation, communicate from top to bottom, left and right, and coordinate the handling. Third, decompose the service tasks of various ministries and commissions and associations, clarify their responsibilities, put their responsibilities in place and implement the system. Fourth, do a good job in service, establish customer first and maintain a high sense of responsibility.


Third, it is planned to establish a people loving foundation to convey to everyone.


I see many people use wechat group to hold working meetings. In fact, wechat group can't hold working meetings and institutional meetings, but can only convey information. In the wechat group, comrades who want to speak cannot speak. Some speeches are interactive and affect the efficiency of the meeting. It is recommended to use OA, ERP, YY, MSN and other conference systems. It is hoped that the Secretariat of the Executive Yuan will improve within a week. It is suggested to log in to YY system to apply for the account number and password of the headquarters, and then publish them to the chairmen and associations of each association. The core leaders of the committee can also convey the spirit at the meeting, and the leaders of various associations can also speak directly.


It is hoped that the World Federation of literary and art circles can become a cultural soul built for the community of common destiny of mankind. Well, thank you.



Mr. Yang Yapeng


Following the speech by Mr. Yang Yapeng, President of the Asian Economic Association, Mr. Li Zhiqun, vice president of the executive yuan of the United Nations UNB cultural industry headquarters, reported on his work:


Dear president Luo, deputy directors of the Executive Committee of the Executive Yuan, chairmen of associations of ministries and commissions, and artists:


Good evening,everyone. This evening, arranged by the Executive Committee, I am here to make a speech on how to do a good job in the work of the Executive Yuan. According to the development needs of the United Nations UNB cultural industry headquarters, the Executive Committee of the United Nations Executive Yuan has been established to divide the work of each deputy director. Li Zhiqun, as the deputy director of the executive yuan of the headquarters, assists the president in doing a good job in the work of the Executive Yuan and handling domestic affairs, Specifically responsible for the administrative office and outreach work. Maintain a high sense of responsibility and full work enthusiasm, and serve all ministries, associations and artists wholeheartedly.


Pay close attention to execution. Execution is action, system, communication, details and management skills. It is down-to-earth, down-to-earth, trustworthy and effective.


Outreach work, external liaison, communication and exchange, establish good cooperative relations, and organize a liaison team,


I will simply report these to you. Thank you!



Mr. Li Zhiqun


Following the work report of Mr. Li Zhiqun, vice president of the executive yuan of the United Nations UNB cultural industry headquarters, Ms. Tang Shi, deputy director of the Executive Yuan Office of the United Nations UNB cultural industry headquarters, made a speech;


Distinguished chairman Luo, distinguished chairman Le Yuan in office, distinguished leaders and elite artists:


Good evening,everyone! I am honored to join the United Nations jianyimei Cultural Industry Association and the World Federation of cultural and art circles as the deputy director of the office of the Executive Yuan. The Executive Yuan office is a connecting department and a link between departments. It serves all functional departments, associations, ministries and committees. We will gradually improve the association's articles of association, general assembly system, member management, leadership roster, and establish a file system. Standardize various processes according to the system, actively cooperate with the work of various departments, link multiple resources, empower members and member institutions, and provide you with more cooperation opportunities and display stage! This concludes my speech. Thank you!



Ms. Tang Shi


Following the speech by Ms. Tang Shi, deputy director of the Executive Yuan Office of the United Nations UNB cultural industry headquarters, Ms. Qin Jinming, Deputy Secretary General of the World Federation of literary and art circles, gave a work report:


The Asian Musicians Association will organize the group as soon as possible and improve the rules and regulations, which should be completed in the near future.


Thank you to the president and all the leaders of the organization for your hard work. After listening to the speeches of these leaders today, I am full of confidence to organize, build and develop the musicians' Association well.



Qin Jinming


Following the speech by Ms. Qin Jinming, Deputy Secretary General of the World Federation of literary and art circles, Mr. Song Jinqi, chief editor of the elite network of the World Federation of literary and art circles, delivered a speech on behalf of the network department:


Chairman Yang, thank you for your hard work. Thank you, chairman Luo. Thank you, colleagues,


Don't worry, our network department will go all out to cooperate with you, and our network department will go all out to improve the evolution. One is the input work. The second is to evolve and improve the work of modern network, which is advanced and technical. Third, publicity work. I promise you that our network department will go through fire and water and complete the tasks and missions assigned to us by the organization.



Mr. Song Jinqi


Following Mr. Song Jinqi, chief editor of the elite network of the World Federation of literary and art circles, Ms. Wang Yuanqin, the rotating president, made a concluding speech:


Dear family members


Good evening,everyone! I'm wang Yuanqin, the host of the rotating conference in Malaysia. I thank Mr. Yang Yapeng for his wonderful sharing this evening. I'm very grateful. We have such an excellent leader who has put forward many valuable suggestions for the World Federation of literary and art circles to move towards a better future.


Thank you very much to our Mr. Li Zhiqun, who also promised to improve our network system. Thank you very much for your participation and enthusiastic speeches, as well as the cultivation of Luo Hua, the founder of the World Federation of literary and art circles, and the trust of all leaders. It is a great success to have in-depth exchanges and communication at this meeting today. In the future, we will advance and retreat together and make our due efforts and contributions to the development of world civilization.


A few days ago, my consultant and I made a plan to hold some representative activities in 2022. Then I also shared with him about the resources owned by the World Federation of literary and art circles, which are many excellent cultural lovers. Including our great health industry and cultural industry, he also gave me a lot of suggestions to do an activity in Paris, France. At the same time, I also saw president Luo organize a piano performance tour in 202. We can develop together in 2022 and jointly hold some meaningful and shocking activities and performances in the world.


Thank you very much for your support, your sharing, voice sharing and text expression. Thank you for your support to the UN UNB joint meeting. Thank you very much!




Ms. Wang Yuanqin attended the meeting


Other participants showed their elegant demeanor



Mr. Wang Yongli, vice chairman of the Association for the promotion of business;



Mr. Qin Zhiming, chairman of China Red Culture Association;



CCTV happiness bill golden 100 seconds eloquence king;

汤红星 Tang Hongxing.jpg


Mr. Tang Hongxing, vice president of the World Federation of literary and art circles;



CCTV love singer Mr. Mei Nanlin;



Ms. Cybele, founder of Australian TV show;



Ms. Shi Tongxian, deputy project director of overseas edition of people's daily;



Ms. Xiao Fengying, Secretary General of Asian Dramatists Association;



Mr. Le Lian, Secretary General of Career Promotion Association;



Musician: Ms. Lark (Wu Yuxia);



Mr. Zhu enzhuang, executive director of Asian calligraphers and Painters Association;



Ms. Li Chunbin, Secretary General of China Art Troupe


The meeting also studied other matters. The participating members expressed their opinions and expressed their full cooperation to make the World Federation of cultural and art circles develop steadily and grow continuously!




Attachment: relevant information of the 14th expansion Conference


Time: December 2021 20, 8:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m


Venue: working group of UN UNB Presidium

计划参会人员:运营中心及影丶音丶美丶服饰协会相关主席团成员丶及主创人员(乐华 乐坷 乐悦 乐清 乐升 乐瑜 乐慧 乐琼 乐昆 乐斌 乐卓 乐湘 乐平 乐依 乐灵 乐宁 乐丁 乐圣 乐艺 乐楼 乐清 乐秀)。

Planned participants: members of the presidium of the operation center and the film, music, beauty and clothing association, as well as the main creators (Le Hua Le Ke Le Yue Qing Le Sheng Le Yu Le Hui Le Qiong Le Kun Le bin Le Zhuo Le Xiang Le Ping Le Yi Le Ling Le Ning Le Ding Le Sheng Le Yi Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Lou Le Qing Le Xiu).



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