








觅得一处幽静 共听一首好歌

远离浮世喧嚣 红尘纷扰中

品一壶香茶 赏一方美景

手捧一件艺术品 看云烟散去

炊烟升起时 宁静并非是乏味

而是淡看种种是非 春花秋月浅吟低唱

寒来暑往百转千回 慢品人间烟火色



要活出精彩 要活出品味

要活出艺术 不随波逐流。


Civilization and conscience are a beam of light in the dark!

Only ghosts are afraid of light in this world. The world is a mirror. Everyone sees himself.

Years urge people to grow old. Youth is getting late. When I first hear it, I will meet it again in late autumn!

No ice is not melted by the sun, and no cup of tea can maintain a constant temperature for a long time. People, with a retreat, everyone is mediocre, forced to a dead end, everyone is outstanding.

People are forced out. When you have nothing, you will naturally do anything! People are boiled out. They can endure outstanding, but they can't endure being out.

All the eyes are memories, and all the thoughts of the heart are the past. The more you experience, the more you will understand that the world is your own and has nothing to do with others. From now on, do something to add value to yourself: forget your age and live a happy life!

Yin, Qing, yuan and Duan are the normal state of life, accompanied by sunshine and shadow. When things turn to the extreme, they will turn against each other; Life is full of flavors and atmosphere.

Find a quiet place and listen to a good song

Far away from the noise of the floating world and the disturbance of the world of mortals

Taste a pot of fragrant tea and enjoy the beautiful scenery

Hold a work of art and watch the clouds disperse

Tranquility is not boring when the smoke rises

But indifferent to all kinds of right and wrong, spring flowers and Autumn Moon sing low

Cold and summer come and go, thousands of times, slow taste of fireworks in the world

Time is long to watch everything.

We should have our own life image!

To live a wonderful life, to live a taste

We should live art and not drift with the tide.




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