《一指流沙 苍老了风华 》 原创首发 作者 郑平

一指流沙 苍老了风华
 原创首发 作者:郑平

岁月是一指流沙 风华是一缕阳光 它苍老了一段年华

地老天荒的晚霞 坠落在海角天涯 伤了心 白了髪 


就在一指流砂间 蜕变了无数的青春年华 
人啊 都是


的奴 逃不出痴心的迷途 生死天定 富贵有命 无须自责 无须惶惶

红尘陌路 拱手人间 不想来生 只想今世觅得




流年婆娑 孤寂的心总是一个人静静的前行 
满满的诗词 匡扶这人生理念 在等 等待一个一展宿命的绝代风华
然而 人生如戏


蹉跎 任何执念都随年轮漫漫苍老
当热血彭拜的青春年华不复 当岁月染指一轮红日 残阳作嫁 是否挽留一指流砂 
风华褪尽 余下的便只有霜白的鬓发 心中的落寂和曾经的海角天涯

生死殉落 道不清


红尘兮兮 诉不尽分合离别的筹码 
繁华世间 说不完的酸甜苦辣 

畔 总会有人倚栏回首 依依惜别 此生未够 不知来世何兮
取一纸墨染 书写流年 把那曾经的岁月梭理一遍 
思绪潺潺 脑海忒乱 那就将过往一一埋葬 呈现在文字间
往昔的岁月 朝朝暮暮 红尘做伴 辉煌腾达 金花四溅 
在时间的流逝下 既然停不住年轮的轮回 那就潇潇洒洒笑看过去
桑海茫茫 迎接苍老的到来 放开青涩的时代 放下火红的岁月
哪怕褪逝以往的风华 内心的广阔天地无所不在 
此生 不求权高位重 更不求富贵荣华 只需在


里 有一指流沙 便足已
风华褪尽 不为年轮所累 这就是宿命

三千粉黛 昔日繁华 时间流水 惹得一时白发 
倾国倾城 我心无痕 也许在这妖娆的世间 我只是一个讨生活的戏子
戏里一统江山 风光无限 戏外沧桑孤寂 落魄人间 
时光渐去 炊烟袅袅 往事如烟 片片枫叶情述说美妙诗篇 
抚一曲往事如梦 感慨思念太浓 有些过往 只能挥墨葬送 

我相信 孤寂的人生 无论时间长短 总有一人在彼岸对面




总会到来 流年风华 万里雪飘 十里扬沙 却无情的被岁月染白了鬓发
一缕墨香 苍凉了我的心海 往日的绝代风华是否在奢望我的归期 就当梦一场 莫回首 不思量
恍惚梦里 是谁的笑意 拂袖而去 而我早已麻痹 换得一生相许 足矣
可岁月扰乱了我的记忆 看尽人间的繁华 有谁跟我到海角天涯 

舞一曲水袖霓裳 唱一曲压力山大 
执笔流年 风华褪去 恍惚间 沧桑便逝 回眸 一切的一切犹如昙花
无论在红尘墨染的年华中 还是在火热的青春下 也只是匆匆过客
风华是一指流砂 苍老是一段年华
哪怕风华不在 我都会正气凛然活的优雅 
我是红尘土里的一颗孤星 天荒地老 我都笑看世间 一样的豁达
一指流砂 苍老了风华


A finger of quicksand is old

Original author: Zheng Ping

Years is a quicksand, Fenghua is a ray of sunshine, it is old for a period of time

In the end of time, the sunset falls to the ends of the earth and breaks my heart

Full of


In a quicksand metamorphosed countless youth

People, all of them


You can't escape from the infatuated and lost way. Life and death are destined to be rich and rich. You don't have to blame yourself or be afraid

I don't want to live in the future, I just want to find it in this life


The happy part


The lonely heart is always a person quietly forward

Full of poems, Kuangfu, the idea of life, is waiting for an exhibition of the fateful beauty of the peerless generation

But life is like a play


Any obsession will grow old with the years

When the hot-blooded Pengbai's youth is gone, when the years touch a round of red sun and setting sun to marry, do you want to keep a finger of quicksand

Fenghua fade, the rest is only the frost white hair, the heart of the fall of silence and once the ends of the earth

The road of death is not clear


What's wrong with you

The world of mortals can't be separated

Endless ups and downs in the prosperous world



There will always be someone leaning on the fence to look back and say goodbye. I don't know what the next life is

Take a piece of paper ink dye to write the fleeting years, and sort out the past years

Thoughts murmur, the mind is too chaotic, it will be buried in the past one by one presented in the text

In the past, the world of mortals is always in the company of the past, and the golden flowers are everywhere

In the passage of time, since we can't stop the reincarnation of the rings, let's look at the past with a smile

Sanghai boundless welcome the arrival of old, open the green era, put down the red years

Even if the past fades away, the vast inner world is everywhere

In this life, we don't seek power, high position, wealth and splendor. We just need


There is a finger of quicksand in it

It's fate that you don't get tired of the growth rings

Three thousand pink daisies in the past

My heart is traceless. Maybe in this enchanting world, I'm just a playwright

In the play, the scenery is boundless, but outside the play, the vicissitudes are lonely and depressed

Time goes by, smoke curls up, past events are like smoke, maple leaves tell wonderful poems

Caress the past like a dream, with emotion, miss too much, some of the past can only be buried with ink

I believe that in a lonely life, no matter how long it is, there is always someone on the other side

wait for

My appearance

The flowers are in full bloom


There will always be a time when the wind and the snow will drift for thousands of miles, but the sand will float for ten miles, and the hair will be dyed white by the years mercilessly

A wisp of ink has desolated my heart. Is the past peerless splendor in the extravagant hope that my return time will be a dream? Don't look back and don't think about it

In a trance dream, whose smile is gone, and I have been paralyzed for a lifetime

But years have disturbed my memory. Who can follow me to the ends of the earth

Dance with sleeves and sing with pressure

When the time of writing fades, the vicissitudes of life will disappear in a trance. Looking back at everything is like Epiphyllum

No matter in the years of red ink or in the hot youth, it is just a passer-by

Fenghua refers to quicksand, aging is a period of time

Even if the grace is not there, I will live with dignity and grace

I am a lonely star in the red earth. I am as open-minded as the world

A finger of quicksand is old





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