聚焦文明瑰宝 书写传世珍品——中国艺坛杰出人物邹邦基精品赏析




邹邦基,1935年7月生,国家一级美术师(书法),国家顶级诗书画家,中国杰出书画家协会名誉会长,中国诗书画联盟网名誉主席、法兰西皇家美术学院艺术学博士,瑞典皇家艺术学院外籍院士,世界艺术学会荣誉主席兼艺术顾问,世界文艺家企业家交流中心名誉主席,中国国际艺家协会常务理事,紫禁城书画院名誉主席,中华国礼艺术中心荣誉主席等。作品入编《中国权威收藏书籍·中国艺术品软黄金》、《国宝档案》、《世界艺术瑰宝》、《世界殿堂级艺术大师》、《邹邦基精品集·中国国粹·艺术传承水晶册》。《传世经典·大师风范》、《文脉传承·大师风范(琉璃册)》、《全球华人艺术十大传世名家》、《世界艺术·全球著名书法家》、《世界艺术·全球著名诗词家》等百多种书籍及国瓷、国玉等国礼艺术品,荣获“国际文艺特别贡献奖”金奖、“全球艺术投资巅峰奖” 、“国际艺术金狮奖”等十多项奖励,并被授予“国宝级艺术家”、“共和国功勋艺术家”、“国家六大艺术泰斗”、“世界殿堂级艺术大师”、“国际德艺双馨艺术家”、“全球最具投资价值与收藏潜力艺术家”等十多种荣誉称号。


Zou Bangji, born in July 1935, is a national first-class artist (calligrapher), a national top poet and calligrapher, honorary chairman of the Chinese Association of Outstanding Calligraphers and Painters, honorary chairman of the Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Alliance Network, doctor of art of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of France, foreign academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts, honorary chairman and art consultant of the World Art Society, honorary chairman of the World Artists Entrepreneurs Exchange Center, and executive director of the China International Artists Association, Honorary Chairman of the Forbidden City Calligraphy and Painting Academy, Honorary Chairman of the China National Ritual Art Center, etc. His works were included in the "Chinese Authoritative Collection of Books - Soft Gold of Chinese Art", "National Treasure Archives", "World Art Treasures", "World Hall Art Masters", "Zou Bangji Collection of Fine Works - Chinese National Essence - Crystal Book of Art Inheritance". More than 100 kinds of books such as "Legacy Classics · Master Style", "Cultural Heritage · Master Style (Coloured Glaze Book)", "Top Ten Global Chinese Art Legalists", "World Art · World Famous Calligraphers", "World Art · World Famous Poets", and other national ritual works of art such as national porcelain and national jade, won the gold prize of "Special Contribution Award for International Literature and Art", "Global Art Investment Summit Award" More than 90 awards, including the "International Golden Lion Award for Art", have been awarded more than 80 honorary titles, including "National Treasure Artist", "Meritorious Artist of the Republic", "National Top Six Artists", "World Hall Artist", "International Artist with Good Arts and Virtue", "World's Most Investment Value and Collection Potential Artist".



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