聚焦文明瑰宝 书写传世珍品——中国艺坛杰出人物于天忠精品赏析




于天忠,1949年生,辽宁建平,号玄弘。中国当代著名书法家、国画家、作家,中国艺术学院教授,博士生导师,联合国文化艺术委员会终身专家、教授,英国皇家艺术研究院荣普院士,客座教授,西班牙皇家艺术协会会员、人民书画家、国家高级美术师。中央美术学院教授、博士生导师,国家民族画院画家, 国家级美术师,牛津艺术学院研究生导师。 中国书法家协会会员、中国美术家协会会员,CCTV星光大道特邀嘉宾评委,中央电视台综艺频道星光大道栏目组艺术顾问,中国中外名人文化研究会学术委员会顾问,中国楹联学会会员。现为中国书画名家研究会副会长。联合国教科文组织、文学书画研究院院长,中国国家诗书画院副院长,中国国画院副院长,中华书法家协会副主席,中华美术家协会名誉主席,中国书法美术家协会副主席。中国作家创作协会名誉主席,中国文化学会艺委会主席,中国企业报道,艺术资本理事会副主席,中华卫视艺术风采栏目艺术总监,中央电视台综艺频道星光大道艺顾问,中国中外名人文化研究会学术委员会艺术顾问,中国楹联学会会员。书画作品多次在国外、国内展出获奖。获“世界美术大奖”“人类杰出贡献奖”联合国教科文组织授予:世界当代最伟大艺术家,“中国书画界大艺术家”联合国秘书处秘书长潘基文签字授予“百年文艺巨匠”联合国授予世界文化发展事业第一一位“最伟大的人民艺术家”,国际最高荣誉“文学艺术骑士助章”“中国文化艺术大师"“世界华人文艺大师”“中国文艺泰斗”“中国艺圣”世界民间文艺“当代艺圣”,联合国安理会四国元首签名授予“世界和平使者.文化艺术之父”“中国文化领军人物”“中国当代文学之星”“中国艺术金马奖“联合国授予“当今世界文化盖世奇才”荣誉“中华传统标杆人物”“感动中国文化人物”荣誉。作品传略收入《中国书法全集》《世界大百科全书》《中国作家大辞典》《共和国诗典》《共和国艺术家辞海》《中国大百科全书》《一代名家》《国宝档案》《中国美术》《世界当代著名书画家真迹博览大典》《中国学者墨迹选集》《世界美术大典》《世界名人录》《世界文化名人辞海》《中国历代书画名家大典》《艺术人生》《中国书画家藏典》《中国100位艺术大家》《世界第二次文艺复兴功臣榜》《当代最具投资潜力的书画名家》《最具学术价值与市场潜力书画家》《全国书画作品最具收藏价值三十名艺术家》《中国当代书画名家巨匠》《艺海集英中国书法大家精品集》等数百部典集。国画作品被人民大会堂收藏,聘为中南海国礼中心国礼艺术家,国宾礼特供艺术家,作品被故宫《书画经典》永久收藏。作品被日本、韩国、阿尔巴尼亚、希腊等国家收藏。


Yu Tianzhong, born in 1949 in Jianping, Liaoning, is known as Xuanhong. Famous contemporary Chinese calligraphers, Chinese painters and writers, professors of the Chinese Academy of Arts, doctoral supervisors, lifelong experts and professors of the United Nations Cultural and Art Commission, Rongpu academician of the Royal Academy of Arts, visiting professors, members of the Royal Spanish Art Association, people's calligraphers and painters, and national senior artists. Professor and doctoral supervisor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, painter of the National Academy of Ethnic Paintings, national artist, and graduate supervisor of the Oxford Academy of Fine Arts. Member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, member of the Chinese Artists Association, member of the special guest judges of CCTV Xingguang Avenue, art consultant of the Xingguang Avenue program group of CCTV Variety Channel, consultant of the Academic Committee of the Chinese and Foreign Celebrities Cultural Research Association, and member of the Chinese Couplet Association. Now he is the vice president of the Research Association of Chinese Famous Calligraphers and Painters. President of UNESCO and the Academy of Literature, Calligraphy and Painting, Vice President of the National Academy of Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting, Vice President of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Honorary President of the Chinese Artists Association, and Vice President of the Chinese Calligraphers Association. Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Writers' Creation Association, Chairman of the Arts Committee of the Chinese Cultural Society, China Enterprise Report, Vice Chairman of the Art Capital Council, Art Director of the China Satellite Television Art Talent Program, Art Advisor of the Star Avenue of CCTV Variety Channel, Art Advisor of the Academic Committee of the Chinese and Foreign Celebrities Cultural Research Association, and Member of the Chinese Couplet Association. Calligraphy and painting works have been exhibited and won awards at home and abroad for many times. He was awarded the "World Fine Arts Award" and "Outstanding Contribution Award for Humanity" by UNESCO: the world's greatest contemporary artist, the "Great Artist of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy" by Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Secretariat, who signed the award to the "Centennial Artist of Literature and Art", and the United Nations awarded the first "greatest people's artist" in the world's cultural development, The highest international honor is "Knight's Medal of Literature and Art", "Master of Chinese Culture and Art", "Master of Chinese Literature and Art in the World", "Leader of Chinese Literature and Art", "Sage of Chinese Art", and "Sage of Contemporary Art". The four heads of the United Nations Security Council signed the award to "Messenger of World Peace, Father of Culture and Art", "Leader of Chinese Culture", "Star of Chinese Contemporary Literature", "Golden Horse Award of Chinese Art", and "awarded by the United Nations "Today's world culture is unparalleled talent" honor, "Chinese traditional benchmark figure", "touched Chinese cultural figure" honor. His works are included in the "Complete Collection of Chinese Calligraphy", "Encyclopedia of the World", "Dictionary of Chinese Writers", "Poetry Dictionary of the Republic", "Dictionary of Artists of the Republic", "Encyclopedia of China", "A Generation of Famous Artists", "National Treasure Archives", "Chinese Art", "World Contemporary Famous Calligraphers and Painters", "Selected Works of Chinese Scholars", "World Art Dictionary", "World Celebrities", "World Cultural Celebrities" "Classic of Chinese Famous Calligraphers and Painters in Past Dynasties", "Artistic Life", "Collection of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters", "China's 100 Artists", "World's Second Renaissance Meritorious List", "Contemporary Calligraphers and Painters with the Most Investment Potential", "Calligraphers and Painters with the Most Academic Value and Market Potential", "National Calligraphers and Painters with the Most Collection Value", "Chinese Contemporary Calligraphers and Painters Masters", "Art Sea Collection of Great British and Chinese Calligraphers" Etc. The Chinese painting works were collected by the Great Hall of the People, hired as the national ceremony artist of the Zhongnanhai National Ceremony Center, and the special artist of the national guest ceremony. The works were permanently collected by the Palace Museum's "Classic Calligraphy and Painting". His works are collected in Japan, South Korea, Albania, Greece and other countries.



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