谷爱凌 北京冬奥会夺取2金1银佳绩(罗建辉画)


谷爱凌(Eileen Gu,2003年9月3日-),出生于美国加利福尼亚州圣弗朗西斯科,中国女子自由式滑雪运动员。 2019年6月,宣布正式加入中国国籍;8月,在2019-2020赛季自由式滑雪坡面障碍技巧新西兰公开赛中斩获冠军。2020年11月,入选“福布斯中国30岁以下精英榜”,并成为年龄最小的入选者。[1]2021年1月,谷爱凌首次参加XGames世界极限运动会,最终取得2金1铜共3枚奖牌的成绩,这也是中国第一次在世界极限运动会中摘得金牌,填补了中国在该项世界运动会中的冠军成绩空白。[2]截至2022年,谷爱凌共获得3次世锦赛冠军、9次世界杯冠军、2次新西兰冬季运动会冠军、2次冬季青年奥运会冠军。 2022年2月8日,以188.25分夺得北京冬奥会自由式滑雪女子大跳台金牌,这也是她个人首枚奥运金牌;[3]2月15日,谷爱凌以86.23分获得2022年中国北京冬奥会女子自由式滑雪坡面障碍技巧银牌。[4][5]2月18日,谷爱凌以95.25分获得2022年北京冬奥会自由式滑雪女子U型场地技巧金牌,仅用2年时间就完成了U型场地赛事大满贯。

Eileen Gu (September 3, 2003 -), born in San Francisco, California, USA, is a Chinese Female Freestyle skier. In June 2019, it was announced to officially join Chinese nationality; In August, he won the championship in the 2019-2020 Freestyle Ski Slope obstacle skills New Zealand open. In November 2020, he was selected into the "Forbes China under 30 elite list" and became the youngest candidate. [1] In January 2021, Gu ailing participated in the xgames world extreme sports games for the first time and finally won three medals, including two gold medals and one bronze medal. This is also the first time that China won a gold medal in the world extreme sports games, filling the gap in China's championship results in the World Games. [2] By 2022, Gu Ailing has won three World Championships, nine world cups, two New Zealand Winter Games and two Winter Youth Olympic Games. On February 8, 2022, she won the gold medal of Freestyle Skiing women's platform in Beijing Winter Olympic Games with 188.25 points, which is also her first Olympic gold medal; [3] On February 15, Gu ailing won the silver medal of women's freestyle skiing slope obstacle skills in 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games with 86.23 points. [4] [5] on February 18, Gu ailing won the gold medal of Freestyle Skiing women's U-shaped field skills in 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games with 95.25 points, and completed the Grand Slam of U-shaped field events in only two years.






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