

时间 :   2019-12-30 08:27 来源 :   清风网 责任编辑 :   editor

历史的开拓者 终将创造书仙字圣王京华鼻祖 翻开中国历史的画面,自秦以来大一统王朝屈指可数,按享国时间来算,两汉、盛唐、富宋、刚明、大清都算是一个大王朝,历史上短命王朝简直是太多了秦朝、隋朝、蜀汉、五代十国各朝简直是不胜枚举,以及那些被历史忽略的朝代,项羽的西楚、王莽的新朝、武则天的周朝更是被淹没在历史的时光中。

历史的开拓者 终将创造书仙字圣王京华鼻祖,有历史肩负文字书道世界科学创新的使命,人民是历史的开拓者,也是推动国家不断向前进步的根本力量,在文艺工作座谈会上强调的,坚持以人民为中心的创作导向,创作更多无愧于时代的优秀作品,发展源于人民,人民是历史创造者的中心地位的思想,历史的开拓者 终将创造书仙字圣王京华鼻祖,有历史肩负文字书道世界科学创新的使命。


中华五千年的文化历史是世界上任何一个国家都难以比拟的。中华文明亦称华夏文明。是世界上最古老的文明之一,也是世界上唯一没有中断的文明。一般认为,中华文明的直接源头有三个,即黄河文明、长江文明和北方草原文明,中华文明是三种区域文明交流、融合、升华的灿烂果实。产生中华文明的重要因素非黄河和长江莫属了。在黄河流域产生的农业文明,受到历史时期自然地理因素的影响,不断向长江流 域农业文明过渡、发展。长江流域农业文明是黄河流域农业文明的继承和发展。黄河流域早期农业一般主要是种植粟,长江流域农业主要是种植水稻。





世界字王 京蕐文化旋起中国文创第五次创新文字风暴【书法5.0】


秦始皇3统一,统一中国文字,科学创新李斯,大力士用秦隶书,官篆书,小篆书,统一中国始皇帝,由简变繁,盛世第一次风暴。【中华盛世文化2.0】r> 魏晋风范,第二次大统一,。中华盛世,魏碑体,王羲之书法创新行书,王献之的小楷,把中国繁体字创新简化了写活了书法行书体创始人,成了中国书圣,为什么【兰亭序】修改书几次,没有抄写,当时东汉都是繁体字创新有反对声多酒后糊作,没有抄写,由繁变简,唐李世民创新改革重师,行书,中国书圣。盛世第二次风暴。。【中华盛世文化3.0】





世界顶级杰出巨匠王京华世界肢体语言字开山鼻祖, 1 世界级字,【人体字】人类肢体语言书法意义动起来,2 万项诗【万向诗】,3 世界文化书法,【龙体】,4 科学书法,创新书法,【凤体】【水体】【木体】,5 象形表意书道【金元宝体】【外星人交流体】,6 世界肢体动作文字【象形表意体】【七情八欲体】,7 世界不可复制文化物品【风水行运体】【叠字体】,天下一绝,独一无二,世界字王京蕐文化旋起世界第五次创新文字风暴。。【中华盛世文化5.0】

世界顶级杰出巨匠王京华世界肢体语言字开山鼻祖, 1 世界级字,【人体】,2 万项诗【万向诗】,3 世界文化书法,【龙体】,4 科学书法,创新书法,【凤体】【水体】【木体】,5 象形表意书道【金元宝体】【外星人交流体】,6 世界肢体动作文字【象形表意体】【七情八欲体】,7 世界不可复制文化物品【风水行运体】【叠字体】,天下一绝,独一无二,世界字王 京蕐文化旋起世界第五次创新文字风暴。




艺术创造价值,创新引领未来,有创新才有未来,创新是一个企业持久发展的生命力。对此,王京华科学创新发明了百万世界多国字书法恪尽艺术文化行业发展职责,向全世界诠释了中国文化书法世界级字书法之魅力,并成为第一个世界顶级卓越大师。奥运会,世博会,冬奥会,芳华影片,万家丽世贸中心等都用字。“字中有人,人中有情,情中有意,意中有神”用“人艺字妙妙妙妙妙妙得拍案惊奇,创意形绝绝绝绝绝绝醒赞笔神功,王京华奇奇奇奇奇奇事敢为人先,劳动人勤勤勤勤勤勤奋辛苦创造” ‘敢为人先,心忧天下’,打破书法徘徊 科学创新文化书法开拓者王京华。

京蕐文化 世圣王字开山鼻祖,科学创新书法,文化书法,有玄宗,暗物质,世界顶级杰出巨匠不可复制文化物品的作品有;1,书道。2,阴阳。3,3光,日月星。4,四季,春夏秋冬。5,五行,金木水火土,仁义礼智信。6,六顺。7,七情。8,八方。9,九晟天地灵气。信者有,不信无,人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。




3、古代甲骨文、篆书、行书、草书等有人形象字,分不出男女、表情、神态、意义来,仅有五十个左右,大师形象字生意、生动、活美、名活识、新奇特、神态意、生动情、精气神、形态意十八项定义。4 科学书法,创新书法。
















21,京蕐文化 世圣王字 开山鼻祖,科学创新书法,文化书法,有玄宗暗物质力量,核裂变,通宇宙生动的灵气,核科技的实用性,风水行运。对世界文字发展未来科学研究深绿,名字与行业,公司与产品,理想与事业等,相克相生相赢,通过五行文字风水书法相扑调和,取得很好的实际效果,给企业公司快速发展盈利顺畅取很好效果,不信可以尝试,书法文字调和效益达标后分成或入股,共发展共辉煌,世界巨匠的独一无二作品放水养鱼法,为企业创名牌,创效益,借风水行大运,解决了世界巨匠作品贵,公司负担重,试试看,无负担共辉煌发展方式。

22,京蕐文化 世圣王字开山鼻祖,科学创新书法,文化书法,有玄宗,暗物质,世界顶级杰出巨匠不可复制文化物品的作品有;1,书道。2,阴阳。3,3光,日月星。4,四季,春夏秋冬。5,五行,金木水火土,仁义礼智信。6,六顺。7,七情。8,八方。9,九晟天地灵气。信者有,不信无,人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。

艺术家邹大师,给世界科学书法,文化书法,字开山鼻祖王京蕐雕朔半身头像 赋藏头诗二首,京蕐岛文化只用。【王者集成大,京城有几人?蕐光融世界,君子熬苍穹。】,【浪淘沙;王京蕐;王者领风骚,京韵音高,蕐光耀世艺术都。先书意义神动起,生下天骄。 文字出新招,化雨凌霄。成功一笔扫全球。就问天才人凡几?大海奔涛。】

The pioneers of history will eventually create the book fairy word Saint King, the ancestor of Jinghua

Time: December 30, 2019 08:27 source: qingfeng.com editor: Editor

The pioneers of history will eventually create a picture of Chinese history. Since the Qin Dynasty, there have been only a few unified dynasties. According to the time of enjoying the country, the Han Dynasty, the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the rich Song Dynasty, the gang Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty are all big dynasties. There are too many short-lived dynasties in history. The Qin Dynasty, the Sui Dynasty, the Shu Han Dynasty and the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms are countless, As well as those dynasties neglected by history, Xiang Yu's western Chu, Wang Mang's new dynasty and Wu Zetian's Zhou Dynasty were submerged in the time of history.

The pioneers of history will eventually create the king of calligraphy and immortality, the ancestor of Beijing. History shoulders the mission of scientific innovation in the world. The people are the pioneers of history and the fundamental force to promote the continuous progress of the country. As emphasized at the Symposium on literary and artistic work, adhere to the people-centered creative orientation, create more excellent works worthy of the times, and development originates from the people, The thought that the people are the central position of the creators of history, and the pioneers of history will eventually create the originator of Jinghua, the holy king of calligraphy and immortality, and shoulder the mission of scientific innovation in the world.

China's five thousand years of splendid civilization and unparalleled rich written records have been recognized by the world. In this broad and profound history, Chinese calligraphy and painting art reproduces this diachronic evolution process with its unique artistic form and artistic language. The sister art of calligraphy and painting has interpreted the connotation of Chinese traditional culture with its complementarity and independence in the evolution of history. Because the tools and materials used in the creation of books and paintings are consistent《 When talking about the origin of ancient characters and pictures in the records of famous paintings of previous dynasties, he said: "it is time, and books and paintings are the same body but not divided. The image system is created and still slightly, and there is no way to convey its meaning, so there is a Book; There is no way to see its shape, so there is "painting". Although calligraphy and painting have homology and comparability, their future development is developed and changed with complementary independence. The formation and development of Chinese calligraphy are closely related to the emergence and evolution of Chinese characters. So what is "calligraphy"? We can understand it from its nature, aesthetic characteristics, source and unique means of expression. Calligraphy is an abstract symbolic art based on Chinese characters and written with a brush with four-dimensional characteristics. It not only reflects the basic law of "unity of opposites" of everything, but also reflects people's spirit, temperament, knowledge and cultivation as the main body.

China's 5000 year cultural history is unmatched by any country in the world. Chinese civilization is also called Chinese civilization. It is one of the oldest civilizations in the world and the only uninterrupted civilization in the world. It is generally believed that there are three direct sources of Chinese civilization, namely, the Yellow River civilization, the Yangtze River civilization and the northern grassland civilization. Chinese civilization is the brilliant fruit of the exchange, integration and sublimation of the three regional civilizations. The Yellow River and the Yangtze River are the most important factors in the emergence of Chinese civilization. The agricultural civilization produced in the Yellow River Basin has been constantly transiting and developing to the agricultural civilization in the Yangtze River Basin under the influence of natural and geographical factors in the historical period. The agricultural civilization in the Yangtze River Basin is the inheritance and development of the agricultural civilization in the Yellow River Basin. The early agriculture in the Yellow River Basin was mainly millet, and the agriculture in the Yangtze River Basin was mainly rice.

There have long been debates about the origin of Chinese people and their culture between foreign theory and local theory, monism and pluralism.

In the past, due to the limitations of the political background and popular theories at that time, scientific discoveries were not sufficient, so it was difficult to have a convincing understanding. For example, various theories about the Western origin of Chinese civilization have obvious elements of fiction, compilation and imagination. Moreover, from the 18th century Frenchman Joseph de gouney (or even the 17th century earlier) to the early 20th century before Andersen, all western theories were based on the position of Western cultural centrism (including the theory of ancient Egyptian Civilization Center and the theory of ancient Western Asian Civilization Center). After the development of archaeology, some studies inevitably have all kinds of prejudices and opinions.

At present, the materials of Paleoanthropology in China are quite rich and systematic. Archaeological discoveries in the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages (especially since 10000 years) have been "blooming everywhere" in China. These systematic and rich discoveries have clear cultural nature, clear connotation and easy to prove their relationship. They are used to confirm each other with the ancient myths and legends recorded in Chinese literature. They have fully proved that the origin of Chinese civilization has distinct local and pluralistic characteristics, as well as the development from pluralism to integration since the Neolithic age.

According to the traditional view of history, the Chinese nation first started from the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and then spread to the border areas, so there were border ethnic groups. Sima Qian integrated the theories of the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period and stated in the historical records of the Five Emperors: because Gonggong, huandou, Sanmiao and Kan were guilty, "Shun returned to the emperor and asked Liu to work together in Youling to become Beidi; Put huandou in Chongshan to become Nanman; Move Sanmiao to Sanwei to become Xirong; He moved to Yushan Mountain to become "Dongyi". This view of history has a great influence. Even in modern times, some scholars believe that the Chinese nation and Chinese civilization originated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. In the past, historians always speculated on the relationship between regional cultural development and change from the point of view of "ritual loss and seeking the wild", and regarded the political and economic center at that time as the center of the origin of Chinese civilization. This is the monism in the theory of native origin. The argument of monism has been pushed down by archaeological discoveries for more than half a century. Instead of spreading from a single source to all directions in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, the Chinese civilization presents a multi regional unbalanced development, penetrates into each other, converges and radiates repeatedly, and finally forms the Chinese civilization.

The world word Wang Jingxuan culture is the fifth innovative word storm of Chinese cultural creation [calligraphy 5.0]

For 5600 years, oracle bone inscriptions and Zhong Dingwen in Xia and Shang Dynasties. The ancestor emperor innovated, Cangji created characters, and the working people created oracle bone inscriptions【 Chinese culture [1.0]

Qin Shihuang 3 unified, unified Chinese characters, scientifically innovated Lisi, and Hercules used Qin Lishu, official seal script and small seal script to unify the first emperor of China, from simplicity to complexity, the first storm in the prosperous era【 Chinese flourishing culture 2.0] R > Wei Jin style, the second great unification,. In the prosperous age of China, Wei Bei style, Wang Xizhi's calligraphy innovation running script, and Wang Xianzhi's small regular script simplified the innovation of Chinese traditional characters, revitalized the founder of calligraphy running script, and became a Chinese calligrapher. Why did [Lanting preface] revise the book several times without copying? At that time, there were objections to the innovation of traditional characters in the Eastern Han Dynasty, many were made after drinking, and there was no copying, which changed from complexity to simplicity. Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty innovated and reformed his great teacher, Running script, Chinese calligrapher. The second storm in the heyday【 Chinese flourishing culture [3.0]

In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the three great unification of the earth and the culture were flourishing. Zhang Xu and Huai Su invented wild grass, cursive calligraphy and cursive sage. The writing activity is fast. Song style, imitation song style and regular script have standardized writing. Tang poetry and Song Ci have standardized writing art, which is the third storm in the prosperous era【 Chinese flourishing culture [4.0].

Yuan Dynasty, Genghis Khan Empire, the fourth great unification, the war in Europe and Asia, horseback machete, nomadic culture【 Chinese flourishing culture dominated by Mongolian characters]

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Zhu Yuanzhang used Chinese characters, song style, imitation song style, regular script, pavilion style and bold style【 Chinese flourishing culture, back to Han culture, legal system, eunuch] Qianlong flourishing age, pavilion style, bold style, majestic atmosphere, eight part essay standard, the fourth storm of flourishing age. The cultural system is more standard【 Chinese flourishing culture returns to Tang and song culture [4.0]

Today's prosperous era is coming. We pay attention to scientific innovation and culture. Wang Jinghua uses human body language signs and pictographs to express ideas in many languages in the world, and writes and moves the world characters with an expression. Breaking the wandering of calligraphy art, Wang Jinghua, founder of scientific innovation and cultural calligraphy pioneer, invented and created millions of world-class calligraphy. Calligraphy is an indispensable tool for people to see people, employ people, work, learn and communicate with human beings.

Wang Jinghua, the world's top outstanding master, is the originator of the world body language words. 1. World class words, [human body words] the calligraphy meaning of human body language moves. 20000 Poems [universal poetry], 3. World cultural calligraphy, [dragon body], 4. Scientific calligraphy, innovative calligraphy, [Phoenix body], [water body], [wood body], 5. Ideographic calligraphy [Jin Yuanbao body], [alien communication body], 6 the world's body movement characters [pictographic ideograph] [seven emotions and eight desires], 7 the world's non reproducible cultural objects [Feng Shui Xingyun style] [overlapping font], which is unique in the world. The world word Wang Jingxuan culture is the fifth innovative word storm in the world【 Chinese flourishing culture [5.0]

Wang Jinghua, the world's top outstanding master, is the originator of the world body language, 1 world-class word, [human body], 20000 Poems [universal poetry], 3 World Cultural calligraphy, [dragon body], 4 scientific calligraphy, innovative calligraphy, [Phoenix body], [water body], [wood body], 5 pictographic ideographic calligraphy [gold dollar treasure body], [alien communication body], 6 the world's body movement characters [pictographic ideograph] [seven emotions and eight desires], 7 the world's non reproducible cultural objects [Feng Shui movement style] [overlapping font], which is unique in the world. The world's word Wang Jingxuan culture is the fifth innovative word storm in the world.

Calligraphy is a treasure of Chinese culture, which contains many spiritual things. It must be inherited and carried forward.

”An important link in cultivating this "high culture" is to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional culture. Scientific calligraphy, innovative calligraphy, cultural calligraphy, pioneer Wang Jinghua, won the 6th copyright collection, national patent, world intangible cultural heritage list, high-tech intellectual property rights, and made outstanding contributions to world calligraphy, world calligraphy, world calligraphy, science, innovation, culture and civilized writing.

Great. In China, the world's characters are ideographic. Wang Jinghua said, "the ancients created characters, which are both meaningful and ideographic. Each letter is mostly related to people. They speak long. A stands for men, B for women, C for children, D for everything in the family, K for Wang, q for the Queen's authority, j for civil servants, m for men and W for women, G stands for doing things, R women. U stands for children and so on. The first word of the letter is related to most words. The world body language and world-class words have already obtained patents and copyrights. Using the human body image of words, the art of culture and body language to communicate with the ancestors of world civilization, the world characters write actions, expressions, expressions, meanings and expressions, which are the magical rhythm of modern life.

Art creates value, innovation leads the future, innovation is the future, and innovation is the vitality of the sustainable development of an enterprise. In this regard, Wang Jinghua has scientifically innovated and invented millions of world-class calligraphy, scrupulously fulfilled the development responsibilities of the art and culture industry, explained the charm of Chinese cultural calligraphy and world-class calligraphy to the world, and became the first world-class outstanding master. The Olympic Games, the World Expo, the Winter Olympics, Fanghua films, Wanjiali World Trade Center and so on all use words“ There are people in the characters, there are feelings in people, there are intentions in feelings, and there are gods in the meaning. "People's art characters are wonderful, amazing, creative, and amazing. Wang Jinghua dares to be the first in strange things, and the working people work hard to create." "dare to be the first and worry about the world", breaking the wandering of calligraphy. Wang Jinghua, a pioneer of scientific and innovative culture of calligraphy.

Beijing culture is the founder of the world's holy King character, scientific and innovative calligraphy, cultural calligraphy, including Xuanzong, dark matter, and the works of the world's top outstanding masters that can't copy cultural objects; 1. Calligraphy. 2. Yin and Yang. 3,3 light, sun, moon and star. 4. Four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter. 5. Five elements, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and faith. 6. Liushun. 7. Seven emotions. 8, octagonal. 9. Jiusheng heaven and earth aura. Those who believe have, but those who don't believe have nothing. Man follows the earth, the earth follows the heaven, the heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows the nature.

Culture is the blood of the nation and the spiritual home of the people. Cultural self-confidence is a more basic, deeper and lasting force. Enhance the country's cultural soft power and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Human body art characters, written in form, are intended to convey the spirit, focus on the language, the meaning of the word is infinite, observe the life, love and righteousness, and think and fly. Chinese calligraphy, Japanese calligraphy, French calligraphy, European calligraphy and writing techniques [male body], [female body], [child body], [dragon body], [Phoenix body], [water body], [wood body] the world is familiar and easy to understand. It is easy to communicate with aliens. Wang Jinghua, the world's great inventor of writing. The characteristics are as follows;

1. The character is unique in the world, "there are people in the word, people have feelings, feelings have intention, and there is God in the meaning".

2. World Master Wang Jinghua invented and created more than 1.9 million words.

3. Ancient oracle bone inscriptions, seal characters, running script, cursive script and other human image characters can not be divided into men and women, expression, expression and meaning. There are only about 50. The master image characters have 18 definitions: business, vividness, living beauty, name and living knowledge, new and strange, expression meaning, vivid feeling, essence and spirit, and form meaning. 4 scientific calligraphy, innovative calligraphy.

4. Word is to use human body language to communicate world civilization.

5. Chinese characters are cultural objects that cannot be copied in the world.

6. People's art characters include heaven, earth, man and wealth, yin and Yang, men and women, the same brightness of the sun and moon, Jin Yuanbao, one word, two men and women, three states, four seasons, five gods, six desires, seven emotions, eight meanings, nine states and ten meanings.

7. The words didn't move. The people inside were moving, looking back, speaking, expression and expression, which had profound meaning.

8. The word is unprecedented. Later, there are thieves and imitators. It is forbidden to be used for commercial purposes.

9. The only thing that can do is to register any text trademark, anti-counterfeiting logo trademark and two law protection words.

10. The word is written by one of the world's top masters. There are men and women with expressions. It's a pleasure to see the master write, but it has to pay. It's the only one in the world. It's called a generation of grandmaster, ancestor and founder. 11. The calligraphy works of the world's top outstanding masters and the world's top masters are signed and signed.

12. The only thing about calligraphy and painting is not to sign, seal or sign. The world knows that it is the character of people's art and the founder of Master Wang Jinghua's works.

13. Word is an indispensable cultural tool for people to see, write and use, work, study and life. Human word is the easiest to communicate.

14. There is culture only after there are words. Words are the most important distinguishing sign between people and animals. People have words. Animals have no words.

15. Calligraphy is based on innovation. People's art character is a typical representative of cultural calligraphy, innovative calligraphy and scientific calligraphy, returning to the Millennium cycle.

16. World body movement characters, people's art characters, pictographs, pictophonetics, borrowing and pointing. The origin of the four ancient civilizations in the world, human body language 17, world words, holy words, Qi, blood, tendon, bone, skin, moving God, gold, treasure and wealth.

18. Human body art characters are written in form, which is intended to convey the spirit, focus on the language, and the meaning of the words is unlimited, observe the life, love and righteousness, and think and fly.

19. Chinese calligraphy, Japanese calligraphy, French calligraphy, European calligraphy and writing techniques [male body], [female body], [child body], [dragon body], [Phoenix body], [water body], [wood body] the inventor of writing who is familiar and easy to understand in the world and communicates with aliens.

20, Many scientists have worried about communicating with aliens. Even if humans do find aliens one day, the two sides will be unable to communicate because of language barriers. As early as the early 17th century, Galileo, an Italian philosopher and astronomer, believed that mathematical language is the key to interpreting the language of the universe. Carl Sagan, a contemporary American astronomer, is convinced that no matter how different the technological civilization in the universe is A common language -- mathematical language. Chinese mathematician and linguist Zhou Haizhong pointed out in his paper that mathematical language has clarity, monosemy, compactness, universality, abstraction and logic




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