

1. 垆边人似月,皓腕凝霜雪。(韦庄)

1. People on the edge of the ridge are like the moon, with bright wrists and frost and snow( Wei Zhuang)


From Wei Zhuang's Bodhisattva man: everyone says that Jiangnan is good, and visitors are only old in Jiangnan. The spring water is blue in the sky, and the painting boat sleeps in the rain. The man on the edge of the ridge is like the moon, and the white wrist coagulates frost and snow. Never return home before you are old. You must break your heart when you return home.

“春水碧于天”是景色好,“画船听雨眠”是生活好,而“垆边人似月,皓腕凝霜雪”是人好,即江南的妹子雪肌乌发,笑如朗月。“垆边”用了卓文君当垆卖酒的典故,说明江南妹子热情好客,浅浅一笑,眼睛弯成新月;“凝霜雪”则说明她们肤白如脂,冰雪聪慧,也有高冷的一面。用今天话说,就是可萌可御, 热情和高冷并存,洒脱和端庄俱在,收放自如, 可盐可甜。这样的妹子,怎能不叫人喜爱?

"Spring water is green in the sky" is a good scenery, "painting a boat and sleeping in the rain" is a good life, while "people on the edge of the ridge are like the moon, bright wrists coagulate frost and snow" is a good person, that is, the sister in the south of the Yangtze River has black hair and smiles like the moon“ "Cuan Bian" uses the allusion of Zhuo Wenjun selling wine in Cuan, which shows that the sister in Jiangnan is warm and hospitable, with a shallow smile and her eyes bent into a new moon“ "Frost and snow" shows that their skin is as white as fat, snow and ice are intelligent, and they also have a high and cold side. In today's words, it is possible to be adorable, warm, and coexist with high and cool, free and dignified and elegant, free and unrestrained, and salt free. How can such a sister not be loved?



2. Xiao Niang's thin face is difficult to overcome tears, and peach leaf eyebrows are easy to feel sad( Xu Ning) although these two poems are short, they are beautifully written, which makes my sister live“ "Thin face" means small face, so it is difficult to fill too many tears; Willow eyebrows are delicate and beautiful, and their faces are pink and tender. Therefore, when they have a sad face, they will be exposed, which makes people pity.


These two poems describe the delicate face and soft body of the sister. Therefore, the poet has great pity and miss her very much. Only then can he sigh that "the world is three moonlit nights and two rogues are Yangzhou". As Zhang Ailing said, when you fall in love with a city, you often have a person in the city that you will never forget. In Yangzhou City, there is Xiao Niang, who is "a thin face is difficult to overcome tears, and her eyebrows are easy to feel sad". Only then can the author be infatuated with this city.




3. The pair of servant girls with short sleeves are ashamed to see, stand on their back and pick the diamond from the bow( Yang Shiqi) is from Yang Shiqi's hair in Huai'an. The whole poem is as follows: Polygonum on the bank is sparse, red water is green, and Zizania Zizania flowers are as white as ping. A pair of servant girls with short sleeves are ashamed to see. They stand on their back and pick the diamond from the bow.


It means: the Polygonum on the bank is light red, the non grass in the water is green, and the arrowhead is as small as Ping with white flowers. She combed her servants and wore short sleeves. She was ashamed to see others. She stood in the bow of the boat with her back and took care of Cailing.


The whole poem is very chic. It describes a small detail of life in Huai'an Water Village: the young and beautiful Cailing woman was shy because she was seen by strangers, so she turned her back and continued to Cailing. Through a small detail, he wrote the simple and beautiful, shy and reserved, exciting and pitiful water women.




4. When the guests come in and laugh away, rub the plum in the middle door( Han Yu) sister was playing in the courtyard. Suddenly, a stranger came. She was ashamed to be seen, so she ran away with a smile. However, she wanted to see who the person was and whether he was handsome, so she pretended to rub plums and occasionally looked through the trees.


This is a vivid and interesting detail, which describes the sister's shame and loveliness, which is very classic. Li Qingzhao's "walk with shame, lean against the door and look back, but smell the green plum" is a further application and interpretation. It can be seen that Han Luo's "seeing guests come in and laugh away, rubbing plum seeds in the middle door" is an ancient famous sentence describing women's shame and loveliness.



5. On March 3, the weather was new. There were many beautiful people near the water in Chang'an. The state was strong, the meaning was far, fair and true, the texture was fine, and the bones and flesh were even( Du Fu) from Du Fu's beautiful people's walk, it describes the scene of girls going on an outing by the water in Chang'an on March 3.


"The expression is strong, the meaning is far, fair and true." write that the girls look elegant and true, "the texture is fine, and the bones and flesh are uniform." write that the girls have delicate and smooth skin and graceful posture. The two sentences are connected together to write the girls' elegant mood and beautiful posture.



6. When you come back from thousands of miles, the less your face is, and you smile with the fragrance of plum. How about Lingnan. However, this place of peace of mind is my hometown( Su Shi)


Implicated in the Wutai poetry case, Su Shi's friend Wang Dingguo was relegated to Lingnan. Only song Ji rounu resolutely accompanied him. A few years later, rounu returned home with Wang Dingguo and met Su Shi. Su Shi asked Lingnan whether he had a good life in recent years and whether he wanted to be homesick. Rou Nu replied well, this place of peace of mind is my hometown.


After hearing this, Su Shi was greatly moved and wrote a word for rounu: he often envies the jade Lang in the world, and the heaven should beg for a crisp mother. A clear song spreads to the white teeth. The wind blows. The snow flies and the sea becomes cool. The more you come back, the less you look. Smile with the fragrance of plum. How about Lingnan. However, this place of peace of mind is my hometown.


In this poem, Su Shi praised Rou Nu's beautiful singing, "make a clear song and spread the white teeth. The wind blows. "Snow flies and the sea becomes cool", which praises rounu's free and easy attitude of indifference and taking pain as pleasure, "this heart is my hometown". In addition, the net red sentence "may you go out of your life and return is still a teenager" actually comes from "the less you return from thousands of miles". In a word, this poem is a famous poem that describes the beauty of a sister through the ages.



7. It refers to cutting onion roots and containing vermilion in the mouth. The delicate steps are unparalleled in the world(《 Peacock Flies Southeast.) here, two metaphors are used to describe Liu Lanzhi's beauty and show her delicate and elegant posture. As expected, she is a stranger like jade, and her beauty is unparalleled in the world.



8. It is as graceful as a startling goose, as graceful as a wandering dragon, as glorious as autumn chrysanthemum, and as beautiful as Hua Maochun pine. It seems like a light cloud covering the moon, floating like the wind returning to snow. If you look at it from a distance, it is as bright as the sun and the morning glow; If you are forced to observe it, it will burn like lotus and produce other waves( Cao Zhi)


Cao Zhi's "Luoshen Fu" can also be regarded as a unique description of women through the ages. If there is any article that can be compared, it may only be the son of the owner in Song Yu's lustful Fu of dengtuzi.

9.东家之子,增之一分则太长,减之一分则太短 ;著粉则太白,施朱则太赤;眉如翠羽,肌如白雪;腰如束素,齿如含贝;嫣然一笑,惑阳城,迷下蔡。(宋玉)宋玉描写美人的手法,继承了古人的技法,也就是诗经中《硕人》的写法。

9. For the son of the owner, increasing by 1% is too long, and decreasing by 1% is too short; Powder is too white, Zhu is too red; Eyebrows like green feathers, muscles like snow; The waist is like a bundle of elements, and the teeth are like seashells; With a smile, he confused Yangcheng and fell in love with CAI( Song Yu) Song Yu's technique of describing beauty inherits the skills of the ancients, that is, the writing method of Shuo Ren in the book of songs.



10. The hands are like catkins, the skin is like coagulated fat, the collar is like a printer, and the teeth are like a bottle rhinoceros. She smiles and looks forward to it(《 Book of songs (shuoren)


These words in the book of songs are famous sentences describing beauty through the ages. They mean: fingers are as soft and flexible as fine grass, snow-white skin is as smooth and smooth as curd, neck is as white and long as longicorn beetle larvae, and teeth are as flat and neat as melon seeds; She has a full forehead, curved eyebrows, a smile, two dimples, black and white eyes, looking at Shengbo - it's amazing.


11. The Phoenix eyes are half curved, amber is hidden, and the lips are a little cherry. These two poems were written by modern people. Although they are not classical poems, they are still very excellent.


Amber in the eyes shows that it is clear, deep and bright; The red lips are like cherries, indicating that they are small, ruddy and very provocative. By describing the eyes and mouth, he wrote the exquisite face of the beauty, which made people feel excited after reading.



12. More than thirteen years old, cardamom shoots in early February( Du Mu) this is Du Mu's story about Yangzhou sister. There are many beauties in Yangzhou, which once made Du Mu linger“ Pingping curls for more than thirteen years, and cardamom shoots. In early February, "she wrote her sister's pingting, beautiful, delicate and graceful. After reading, it's impressive.


13. The moon is bright and outstanding. It's easy and quiet, and it's hard and quiet(《 The book of songs) as the first collection of poems, there are many poems describing beauty in the book of songs, such as "Guan jujiu, in the River continent, a fair lady, a gentleman likes to eat", and for example, "Jianjia is green, White Dew is frost, and the so-called Iraqi is on the water side." But I personally prefer moonrise《 In "moon rise", the beauty is written in line drawing and side drawing. In a few words, the graceful demeanor of the beauty is written, which makes people love and love.


14.北方有佳人,绝世而独立。一顾倾人城,再顾倾人国。宁不知倾城与倾国?佳人难再得。 (李延年)

14. There are beautiful women in the north, peerless and independent. Look at the city and then the country. Better not know the city and the country? Beauty is hard to get( Li Yannian)


"Beauty Song" is a famous poem about beauty. The whole poem uses exaggeration to show the beauty's peerless face. After reading it, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sighed with emotion: where is there such a beautiful person in the world? Li Yannian immediately recommended his sister, who was later very famous Mrs. Li. From this point of view, this is also the earliest excellent advertising copy in history.



15. When the beauty is in, the hall is full of flowers, and when the beauty goes, she spends the rest of her bed. The embroidered quilt in the bed never sleeps. So far, I have heard the lingering fragrance for three years( Li Bai)


The great poet made an extraordinary move. These poems use exaggeration to say that beauty is like flowers and has a strong fragrance, even lasting for several years. Although we can't see how beautiful a girl is, we can still make up her graceful demeanor and graceful appearance through imagination. Therefore, this is a unique and ingenious way of writing.



Wonderful review

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