


Taking advantage of the leisure of national day, taking advantage of the warm sunshine and the blue sky, we embarked on a journey in the suburbs of Beijing.


Talking about the interesting places around Beijing, from the royal mausoleum to the temple landscape, thousands of years of landscape, generations of craftsmanship, plants, bricks and stones, gullies, all of which are full of the vicissitudes of the previous dynasty and the ancient charm of history. It is in Wang Xizhi's preface to Lanting that we can feel the vastness of nature and the magic of our thoughts. "Looking up at the size of the universe and overlooking the prosperity of categories, we can enjoy seeing and hearing." My mood. We are going to the great wall of Simatai, also known as Jinshanling Great Wall. Located in Gubeikou Town, northeast of Miyun County, Beijing, Simatai Great Wall is the only ancient architectural site in China that retains the original appearance of Ming Dynasty.

据专家考证,司冯台长城全长5.4公里,有故楼35座。整段长城的构思精巧、设计奇特、柁新颖、形态各异,它集万里长城众多特色于此,形成了一段“奇妙的长城”。这里长城的墙体,既有人所常见的“城墙类型”,也有适应悬崖峭壁的山势而建的“半边墙类型";既有随缓坡而舒展的马道,也有陡坡上以大阶梯叠进的“天梯”。空心敌台形势多样,同样令建筑史家叹为观止。仅敌台.上的望亭,就有一-间房、 三间房、三间房加前后廊,三间房加周围廊等几种,屋顶有歇山、悬山、硬山、卷棚和重檐悬山式多种。在很短的距离里,城墙和敌楼形式之多,变化之大,在万里长城中极为罕见。

According to experts, the sifengtai Great Wall is 5.4 km long and has 35 old buildings. The whole section of the Great Wall is ingenious in conception, peculiar in design, novel in shape and different in shape. It integrates many characteristics of the great wall and forms a "wonderful great wall". The walls of the great wall here are not only the type of "city wall" commonly seen by people, but also the type of "half wall" built to adapt to the mountain situation of precipitous cliffs; there are both the horse path stretching along the gentle slope, and the "heavenly ladder" stacked with large steps on the steep slope. The various situations of hollow enemy platforms also make architectural historians marvel. On the enemy platform alone, there are several kinds of Wangting, such as one room, three rooms, three rooms plus front and back porches, three rooms plus surrounding porches, and so on. There are many kinds of roofs, such as Xieshan, Xuanshan, hard mountain, rolling shed and double eaves Xuanshan. In a very short distance, there are so many forms of city walls and enemy towers, which are extremely rare in the Great Wall.


In autumn, Simatai is even more steep and precipitous. When you look at the great wall of Simatai, you can see it leaning against the blue sky. From east to west, wild clouds are long and extremely dangerous.

其山势犹如人的手指并拢,呈双向阶梯状。若从西面登上长城,侧向看去,唯有一峰在上,仿佛只要奋力爬上,便可居高临下。但- -旦登上第一个峰顶的敌楼,转身东望,却又有一峰逼面。当登上第二个山头的敌楼,仰头东望,还有更高一峰在上;而低头下望,只见第一个山头上的敌楼全被掩住,真个是“前不见古人,后不见来者。”长城研究专家罗哲文教授誉称为:“长城是中国的建筑之最,而司马台长城是中国的长城之最。”因而被定为世界人类优秀文化遗产"。

The mountain is like a person's fingers close together in a two-way ladder shape. If you climb the Great Wall from the west, you can see from the side that there is only one peak on it. It seems as if you can climb it with all your might. However, once he reached the enemy tower at the top of the first peak, he turned and looked east, but there was another peak pressing his face. When you climb the enemy tower on the second hill and look up to the East, there is a higher peak on it. When you look down, you can see that all the enemy towers on the first hill are covered. It's true that "there are no ancients before, and no comers after." Luo Zhe, an expert in the study of the Great Wall, praised it as: "the Great Wall is the most famous building in China, while the Simatai Great Wall is the most famous one in China." Therefore, it is regarded as the excellent cultural heritage of the world.


In the process of traveling, some photography lovers often come here to tell us that it is because of the unique landscape and the original style of the Ming Dynasty that it has attracted the attention and financial resources of tourists from all over the world. Therefore, the administrative office of Gubeikou Great Wall in Miyun County and the administrative office of Jinshanling Great Wall in Luanping county of Hebei Province have had many disputes over the jurisdiction of a section of the Great Wall. Even the Xinhua News Agency reported the incident in 2006.


Hearing this, I can't help but think of the story of Zhang Tingyu, the Prime Minister of the Qing Dynasty, who wrote poems to let the land.

清朝的宰相张廷玉与- -位叶待郎的老家都是安徽人,两家相邻而居,都要起房造屋,为争地发生了争执。张老夫人便修书北京,要张宰相出面干预。这位宰相看罢来信,立即做诗劝导老夫人:“千里家书只为墙,让他三尺又何妨?万里长城今犹在,不见当年秦始皇。”张老夫人见书明理,立即把墙主动退让三尺,叶家见此情景,深感惭愧,也马上把墙让后三尺。就这样,张叶两家的院墙之间,形成了六尺宽的巷道,成了有名的“六尺巷”。

Zhang Tingyu, the Prime Minister of the Qing Dynasty, and ye dailang, who lived in Anhui Province, had to build houses. They had a dispute over land. Old lady Zhang wrote to Beijing and asked Prime Minister Zhang to intervene. After reading the letter, the prime minister immediately wrote a poem to persuade the old lady: "the letters from a thousand Li family are only for the wall. Why don't you let him go three feet? The Great Wall is still here today, and we can't see the first emperor of Qin." Seeing the book, Mrs. Zhang immediately backed the wall three feet. The Ye family felt ashamed and immediately backed the wall three feet. In this way, between the courtyard walls of Zhang Ye's and Zhang Ye's families, a six foot wide roadway was formed, which became the famous "six foot lane".


Although the stories of the ancients give people an open-minded feeling of seeing through life, in reality, seeing the ticket price lists of various scenic spots and the managers with badges around them, the feeling of relaxation just produced has shrunk again. Until I ascended the fourth enemy tower, watching the winding Cangshan pass away, the dancing smoke of Lishan village in autumn, and the local ecology set off by the flocks of sheep surging on the gentle slope. The mood just turns to return to come over, more building stamp place haze wind blows, a wisp of common thought that rises quietly also then with the wind disperses.


Hao Liancheng November 6, 2013 Tongzhou, Beijing



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