国务院确定支持 互联网十旅游 发展的措施



Li Keqiang presided over the executive meeting of the State Council

Identify measures to support the development of Internet plus Tourism

发布时间:2020-11-19 11:17 来源:中国政府网 编辑:张静

Release time: November 19, 2020 11:17 source: China government website editor: Zhang Jing



Li Keqiang presided over the executive meeting of the State Council


It is required to pay close attention to the implementation of the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement according to the schedule and relevant domestic work


Plan to boost large-scale consumption, focus on consumption and promote the release of rural consumption potential


Determining the measures to meet the needs of consumption upgrading and supporting the development of Internet plus Tourism

听取病险水库除险加固情况汇报 要求积极扩大有效投资提高防灾和供水保障能力

Listen to the report of dangerous reservoir reinforcement, actively expand effective investment, improve the ability of disaster prevention and water supply guarantee



Premier Li Keqiang chaired a State Council executive meeting on November 18th, and urged to make a good job of implementing the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement on schedule and implement relevant domestic work according to the schedule; deploy and boost consumption of key consumption and promote the potential of rural consumption; identify measures to meet the needs of consumer upgrading and support the development of Internet plus tourism; and listen to reinforcement of dangerous reservoirs. According to the situation report, it is required to actively expand effective investment and improve the ability of disaster prevention and water supply guarantee.


The meeting pointed out that we should further promote high-level institutional opening-up. The recently signed regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement reflects the common will of countries in the Asia Pacific region to safeguard multilateralism and free trade. The construction of the world's largest free trade zone is conducive to stabilizing the supply chain of the industrial chain and benefiting the people of relevant countries. The meeting called on the relevant departments to accelerate the implementation of the agreement in accordance with the timetable set out in the agreement, speed up the deepening of reform, do a good job in promoting the implementation of the agreement at home, fulfill the commitments as soon as possible, and realize mutual benefit and win-win results in the mutual expansion and opening-up.


The meeting pointed out that consumption is the main engine of economic growth. This year, consumption has been severely impacted by the epidemic situation, and it is difficult to resume normal growth. According to the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, we should firmly implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, further promote large-scale consumption and key consumption, and further release the consumption potential in rural areas. First, we should stabilize and expand automobile consumption. Encourage all localities to adjust and optimize the purchase restriction measures and increase the number plate index. We will carry out a new round of automobile going to the countryside and exchanging old cars for new ones. We will encourage rural residents in areas where conditions permit to buy trucks of 3.5 tons or less and passenger cars with displacement of 1.6 liters or less. We will also give subsidies to residents who have eliminated the emission standards of National III or below and purchased new cars. We will strengthen the construction of parking lots, charging piles and other facilities. Second, we should promote the consumption of home appliances and furniture. Encourage areas with conditions to give subsidies to the elimination of old household appliances and furniture and the purchase of green intelligent appliances and environmental protection furniture. Third, we should boost food and beverage consumption. Encourage catering enterprises to enrich and improve dishes and innovate online and offline business models. Improve the catering service standards and support the promotion of high-quality characteristic diet in a market-oriented way. Fourth, we should promote rural consumption by expanding county and township consumption. We will strengthen the construction of trade facilities and logistics stations in villages and towns. We will support the construction of a living consumption service complex based on rural areas and close to farmers. We should crack down on fake and shoddy goods according to law and optimize the consumption environment in rural areas.


The meeting pointed out that tourism consumption potential is huge. To promote the healthy development of Tourism under normal epidemic prevention and control, the conference has established measures to support the development of Internet plus tourism. First, we should support the construction of smart tourist attractions, popularize services such as electronic maps and voice guidance, create digital exhibition halls of characteristic scenic spots, and promote the digital construction of roads and tourist toilets. Two, we should encourage the scenic spots to increase online marketing efforts, guide the development of new formats such as cloud tourism, and introduce measures to standardize the development of Internet plus tourism home and hostel. Reserve offline services for the elderly and other special groups. Third, we should improve inclusive and prudent supervision, strengthen tourism safety monitoring and online complaint handling, and crack down on deception.


Reservoir is very important for flood control and disaster reduction, water supply guarantee and agricultural irrigation. In recent years, nearly 72000 dangerous reservoirs have been reinforced in China. The meeting called for the implementation of the responsibility of local management and supervision and guidance of departments, making good use of the central subsidy funds, driving local funds and private investment, expanding effective investment, completing the reinforcement of existing dangerous reservoirs by the end of 2025, and timely removing and reinforcing the newly emerging dangerous reservoirs. At the same time, we should pay close attention to the construction of monitoring and early warning facilities, improve the normalized management and protection mechanism, and ensure the safe operation of the reservoir and benefit the people.


Other matters were also examined.



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