《国学无止 仁义为先 秦国仁获吉尼斯世界记录的书法家》



Only in 2012, the "Laozi Daodejing" calligraphy album was sold for 1.05 million yuan at the first auction of fine art works of Zhongtou Jiayi Taizhou in Beijing. The following year, the 2400 meter long regular script volume of Xinhua dictionary was displayed at the youth online Spring Festival Gala, and 400000 yuan of cash from the auction works was donated to charity; then the 3700 meter long regular script volume of Cihai index was completed. He won the Guinness world record. Three works made Qin Guoren a famous Chinese calligrapher.


In the autumn of bingshen, I saw Qin Guoren in front of the diplomatic department. At this time, he was of medium build, with a well-balanced round face, dignified facial features, a peaceful look in his eyes, and a sense of righteousness at the corner of his mouth and nose. It is characterized by a mole between the eyebrows, which is said to be the appearance of a noble person in the photo book.



Master Yang Lu'an


Growing up in the Mongolian prairie, Qin Guoren was playful and carefree since he was a child. Unlike other children, he liked to recite Tang and Song poetry. Reciting Su Dongpo's "Huanxi Sha"


At the foot of the mountain, the orchid sprouts are soaked in a short stream,


There is no mud in the sand road between the pines,


In the drizzly evening rain, Zi Gui crows.


Who says that life is no less?


The water in front of the gate can still flow to the West,


Hugh sings yellow chicken with white hair.


There is a sense of enlightenment, thinking that life must be white hair singing yellow chicken to regret the white life of youth? Why don't I learn something when I'm young. So I sort out my current situation: Although I grew up on the Mongolian grassland, I may have Tiemuzhen blood line inherited from my mother and the gene of my father, Emperor Qin, but I was not in the era of Seven Kingdoms chaos and the golden age of iron and iron horse; I was not deeply rooted in the influence of backward frontier fortress and ten-year turmoil in my study. The only interest is to write brush calligraphy for several years, not to mention entry-level calligraphy.


In 1987, I met Yang Lu'an, who can write, and began to learn calligraphy from his teacher. Later it was known that Yang Lu'an was a famous calligrapher, collector, seal Carver and cultural relic connoisseur in China, enjoying a high reputation in the domestic painting and calligraphy circles. Mr. Yang Lu'an always advocates the academic ideal of "being in the study and thinking about the world". He is a cultural master who is good at writing, calligraphy, collecting, appreciating and knowledgeable. His achievements are well-known at home and abroad. Mr. Yang taught him that calligraphy and writing are totally different concepts. Those characters that are well written, very formal and good-looking are not necessarily calligraphers. The high-end ones are just "calligraphers", which have the same meaning as the so-called "teachers". That is, they have only body, but no their own thoughts. If they write well, they can't be "home" without their own thoughts and personalities. "Art is what cannot be copied.". "Works of art can only show their own personality and thoughts.".


So far, Qin Guoren has not forgotten Yang Lu'an's teaching. In the process of learning calligraphy from Yang Lu'an, the teacher found that the state of Qin was kind-hearted, gentle, ambitious and hardworking, so he accepted him as his son and taught him what he had learned. Qin Guoren is also more severe, often to write bad works on the ground. In addition to teaching him calligraphy skills, he paid more attention to the cultivation of his basic culture of traditional Chinese culture. The famous teacher Yan Jiao made Qin Guoren realize that it is difficult to practice calligraphy, but it is difficult to meditate. In the early days, because of ignorance, it was easy to write, but in fact it was as difficult as crossing the sea. But the difficulty is interesting. If you can understand the way of life and cultivate yourself according to the principle of writing, then you will have a lot of fun. Therefore, to be able to express the "word" in one's heart is to pursue. The goal... However, the deeper the road goes, the more you know that culture is a "pit". How deep you dig, how deep it is. Although endless, but never tired of it.


In the sixth year, Qin Guoren came to realize the original meaning of calligraphy and set up a hall named "Defa hall". Before that, he always thought that the teacher didn't teach calligraphy secrets. In fact, calligraphy is to understand life. Without thirty or fifty years of infiltration, it is difficult to achieve a correct result. It was not until he studied with Yang Lu'an for 25 years that he really came out. His first work, Qin Guoren's calligraphy collection, was published in rongbaozhai. Editor's recommendation: "Mr. Qin Guoren's calligraphy is rich in ancient meaning, powerful in style, free and easy, and has the potential of innovation. His calligraphy pursues the charm of rich bone and flesh, beautiful beauty and spiritual charm. He has the flavor of sticking a stele in the South and forming his own style of calligraphy. It is a rare work of Rong Baozhai in recent years." By 2009, Qin Guoren had completed the transformation from silkworm to butterfly by holding "Wen Mo · Qin Guoren calligraphy exhibition" in China Art Museum. As Yang Lu'an summed up, the most important thing is to absorb and sublimate the traditional Chinese culture. As Yang Lu'an summed up, "literary quality is divided according to people, and history is based on ancient and modern times." Throughout the history of China, most of the great calligraphers are masters of literature and history. Wang Xizhi in Jin Dynasty, Yan Zhenqing in Tang Dynasty, Su Dongpo in Song Dynasty, Zhao Mengfu in Yuan Dynasty, Zhang ruitu, Dong Qichang, Wen Zhengming in Yuan Dynasty, he Shaoji in Qing Dynasty, Zhao Zhiqian in Qing Dynasty, Yu Youren in Republic of China, etc.




The 5000 year old Chinese traditional culture can be summarized by Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Confucianism stresses self-cultivation, family harmony, governing the country and balancing the world. The golden mean is better than too much. The main idea of Confucianism is benevolence and righteousness, governing the country with benevolence and filial piety, advocating people's self-examination, "self-restraint and return to propriety, the world returns to benevolence." Buddhism tells the students that all the dharmas in the world are empty and let people down. Let go of fame, wealth and affection, let go of all troubles, and cultivate into no anger and no anger. The most classic of benevolence in the state of Qin is Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra. He often thinks that "there is no birth and death, no filth, no increase, no decrease" in the Heart Sutra, so the air is colorless and there is no thought and practice. Color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not color, color is emptiness, emptiness is color. " The deep meaning of. What the "Huayan Sutra" says is that there is no defect in this world, even if it is a defect, it is also beautiful; the world is the most true, the most good and the most beautiful; it is a true Dharma Realm, where all laws are free. Buddha everywhere and Tao at all times. The Buddhist theory gave Qin Guoren a new understanding of the world. The Taoist "man follows the earth, the earth follows the heaven, the heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows the nature." Qin Guoren felt that Chinese culture was broad and profound. He advocated Laozi's "the way of heaven is to benefit but not to harm; the way of man is to do without dispute.". Therefore, there is no dispute in the world. " The thought of governing by inaction. The famous lines in Tao Te Ching, such as "virtue carries things, and the best is like water", have become the contents of Qin Guoren's calligraphy. Yang Lu'an's 30 years of teaching and guidance, Qin Guoren's 30 years of hard work, thinking, accumulation, precipitation, accumulation and thin hair, finally made Qin Guoren walk out of the grassland and enter the highest art palace of China -- the China Art Museum.



China Art Museum of Mo


In 2008, Qin Guoren became a Mongolian calligrapher who published his own calligraphy collection in rongbaozhai, the authority of Chinese calligraphy and painting. After that, Qin Guoren traveled to China's famous mountains and rivers, absorbed the spirit of heaven and earth, and experienced Chinese culture. During this period, he was commented by Shen Peng, Ouyang Zhongshi, Wang Yong, Wei Qihou, Liu Jiang, Li duo, fan Zeng and Qin Guoren's uncle Hua Fei. "Asking for ink: Qin Guoren's calligraphy exhibition" opened at the China Art Museum.


Some media commented on Qin Guoren's Calligraphy: he was the first calligrapher in Inner Mongolia to hold a personal calligraphy exhibition in the China Art Museum. Following Yang Lu'an and others, Qin Guoren practiced calligraphy in calligraphy. With the spirit of dripping water and penetrating the stone and his high understanding of calligraphy, he integrated his views on life, society and nature into it. After years of hard work and hard work, he became a self-made calligrapher Own unique style. He not only paid attention to the new ideas in the law, but also paid attention to the ingenious reasoning outside the bold and unconstrained. He insisted on the change and explored the innovation, which showed the mind and charm of the son of grassland. Moreover, calligraphy, a treasure of Chinese national culture, could also develop in minority areas. His achievements played an important role in national unity and cultural communication and integration.


Qin Guoren summed up his calligraphy


"Instead of faithfully imitating the predecessors' one move, one family and one method, we will take these elements and use them for our own use." "Not in the thousands of ancient calligraphy inscriptions to rush tide.".


Qin Guoren's calligraphy works can be roughly divided into three types: running script, Xingkai and tablet style. His running script creation is easy and free, not as serious as seal script, official script or regular script. He can complete it even if his mood fluctuates or is disturbed by the outside world. Secondly, it is one of the most easy to write in all kinds of calligraphy, although some calligraphers in history have created some different writing styles and structures.


Xingkai, if we say that in Qin Guoren's running script, the trace of classical calligraphy style is relatively difficult to see, then in his Xingkai, it is obvious. Facing Qin Guoren's regular script works, people first think of Yan Zhenqing's verve. Qin Guoren's words have Yan Zhenqing's composure and fortitude. In structure, it breaks through the stability of the face and emphasizes a balance in danger and strangeness. The center forward's writing method is rigorous and varied. Compared with the facial style, it is between resemblance and dissimilarity, but still emphasizes the resemblance of spirit. As the saying goes, you can get in and out. The emergence of a generation of calligraphers should not only dare to break through the tradition after inheriting the tradition, but also have the courage to constantly deny and break through himself. Qin Guoren perfected himself in the negation of continuous negation.


Qin Guoren's Weibei calligraphy has the most "personality". When he created this style, he was the most emotional and free. It can be said that Qin Guoren devoted himself to the innovation and understanding of art, his grasp of calligraphy and his love for it. The Art Museum of China is the highest Hall of painting and calligraphy. It is every artist's dream to show his works of art in the museum.


In December 2009, Qin Guoren, 41, realized his dream and exhibited at the Chinese art museum with the theme of "asking Mo: Qin Guoren's calligraphy exhibition". In the foreword of the exhibition, Mr. Fan Di'an, then the curator of the Chinese Art Museum, wrote: "Qin Guoren, a young Mongolian calligrapher, is the first calligrapher in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to hold a personal calligraphy exhibition in the Chinese Art Museum. He is an explorer and practitioner of Baorong culture. It integrates the artistic characteristics of Weibei, regular script and running script, and explores a new style of calligraphy. His calligraphy art, with its unique art form and artistic language, represents the inclusive nature of Chinese traditional culture.


Calligraphy is based on Chinese characters, and Chinese characters are brilliant because of calligraphy. Writing Cihai is undoubtedly a hard but meaningful project. After more than 500 days and nights, a huge scroll with a total length of 3700 meters and a width of 0.7 meters has finally come out. Its birth is not only the result of Qin Guoren's in-depth study on the structure of Chinese characters, but also a beautiful vision expressed by the people of all ethnic groups in the country in order to realize the Chinese dream. During this period, he systematically displayed Qin Guoren's achievements in calligraphy creation in recent years. It caused a sensation in Chinese Book circles. On December 6, after a CCTV news program broadcast the news, Shen Peng, former chairman of China Book Association, visited the exhibition hall to exchange views with Qin Guoren, and wrote an inscription on the spot: ask Mo Yu Dao.



Never forget the heart of serving the country with benevolence and righteousness

2006年秦国仁被内蒙古自治区授予文化名人以后,秦国仁在书法艺术的创作道路上更加勤勉努力,成果不断:2010年由人民美术出版社出版发行了《秦国仁书法集》,2010到2012年三年时间内由北京翰海等拍卖公司拍卖成交其书法作品一百余万元。2011年在中国优秀青年艺术家排行榜500名艺术家中名列前茅。2011年内蒙古自治区全额资金支持秦国仁书法在呼和浩特市,鄂尔多斯市,乌海市进行巡回展出,宣传中国传统文化,在内蒙古自治区产生强烈反响。2013年书法作品入选“伴飞神十圆梦天宫”书画展。同年完成楷书《辞海》索引22314字,全长3700米,宽0•7米的巨幅作品,作品铺开有足球场地般大小,于2014年获基尼斯世界记录。 2014年又有作品被人民大会堂收藏。

Since Qin Guoren was awarded a cultural celebrity by Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in 2006, Qin Guoren has been more diligent in the creation of calligraphy art, and the achievements have been continuous: in 2010, the people's Fine Arts Publishing House published and issued the collection of Qin Guoren's calligraphy, which was auctioned by Beijing Hanhai and other auction companies in three years from 2010 to 2012, with more than 1 million yuan of his calligraphy works sold. In 2011, it ranked first among the 500 outstanding young artists in China. In 2011, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region fully funded Qin Guoren's calligraphy exhibition in Hohhot, Ordos and Wuhai to promote traditional Chinese culture, which had a strong repercussion in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. In 2013, his calligraphy works were selected in the "ten dreams of flying God" calligraphy and painting exhibition. In the same year, he completed the index of 22314 words of regular script Cihai, with a total length of 3700 meters and a width of 0.7 meters. The work was spread out in the size of a football field, and won the Guinness world record in 2014. In 2014, some works were collected by the Great Hall of the people.




From asking Mo to Tao, to asking Mo to do Tao, and then to bowing to do Tao. In addition to donating funds to the society, Qin Guoren has shifted the goal of giving back to the society in recent years. With the support of all parties, we have published books such as Di Zi Gui, San Yan San Shi San Zi Jing, Zhu Zi Jia Xun and Qian Zi Wen, which have donated more than 170000 copies to all walks of life. Mencius said: Heaven will fall to the great responsibility of the people, we must first painstaking their will, labor their muscles and bones, starve their body and skin, empty their body, line brush disorderly their behavior, so that they can't be moved. Life in the most difficult, especially need such spirit to support. To teach a man to fish is not to teach him to fish. Based on this idea, Qin Guoren wanted to start from changing the ideas of the children, so that they could become flying Eagles with ideals, responsibilities, willing to learn and patience on the grassland.



Qin Guoren said: I am stepping on the shoulders of your people. They have given me support and motivation. I feel that I can't afford them and can only give them back to the society. Over the past few years, Qin Guoren has published more than 40 books in rongbaozhai publishing house, people's fine arts publishing house, Tianjin People's fine arts publishing house and Inner Mongolia People's publishing house, with more than 500000 copies printed. He said, "this is just the beginning. Modern teenagers can't write with more computers. May my warm calligraphy have a place in front of the cold computer, so that our traditional culture can be popularized and spread among the masses.



Let calligraphy go to the world

随着秦国仁的书法成就越来越大,如何让艺术为社会服务成了他的目标。 近年他把自己的作品《心经》《弟子规》《千字文》《百家姓》《朱子家训》等先后制成了扇面,折页,礼品盒等适合馈赠携带的纪念品,不仅丰富了内蒙古地区的旅游市场,还增加了很多人的就业岗位。2015年秦国仁经过多年的潜心研制,把中华传统的两大瑰宝—陶瓷中国红和书法鎏金完美地结合起来,烧制出了完美大气洋溢着中华传统喜兴的工艺瓷盘。这种瓷盘一问世,便受到了国家的关注。外交部长王毅看到“厚德载物”的大瓷盘后表示:这件艺术品完全可代表中国的传统文化和中国人民淳朴厚重爱好和平的感情。是向世界人民传递中国人民友谊的最有意义的纪念品。

With Qin Guoren's calligraphy achievements growing, how to make art serve the society has become his goal. In recent years, he has made his works "Xinjing", "Di Zi Gui", "QianZiWen", "Baijiaxing" and "Zhuzi Jiaxun" into fans, foldouts, gift boxes and other souvenirs suitable for gift and carry, which not only enriched the tourism market in Inner Mongolia, but also increased the employment of many people. In 2015, after years of painstaking research and development, Qin Guoren perfectly combined the two treasures of Chinese tradition, namely, ceramic Chinese red and calligraphy gilded gold, to produce a perfect porcelain plate full of Chinese traditional happiness. As soon as this kind of porcelain plate came out, it attracted the attention of the state. After seeing the porcelain plate, foreign minister Wang Yi said: this work of art can fully represent China's traditional culture and the Chinese people's sincere and peaceful feelings. It is the most meaningful souvenir to convey the friendship of the Chinese people to the people of the world.



On November 2, 2016, at the invitation of Papua New Guinea's ambassador to China, Mr. Christopher mellow, a staff member of the Ministry of foreign affairs, accompanied by Mr. Du Huihuang, a staff member of the Ministry of foreign affairs, and the agent of another calligrapher, Mr. Hao LIANLI, presented to the people of Papua New Guinea the great red gilded porcelain plate work "noble virtue carries things" and the calligraphy work "a reed can sail". When explaining the contents of porcelain plate calligraphy to Ambassador Merlot, Qin Guoren said: virtue is the saying of ancient Chinese philosophers, that is, life should be as tall as heaven, firm and self-improvement. Be as thick and broad as the earth and nurture all things. May the people of Papua New Guinea be as tall and resolute as the sky is and strive for self-improvement. When it comes to another work, Qin Guoren pointed to "a reed is navigable" and explained the content of calligraphy to Ambassador Merlot: as long as the goal is established, simple tools can achieve the goal. One belt, one road to congratulate Papua New Guinea on the great strategy of "one belt and one road" economic development advocated by President Xi Jinping of China.



It is understood that through the promotion of Foreign Ministry officials, collectors and artists from Southeast Asia, Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States have become interested in Qin Guoren's works. They can not only feel the artistic charm from Qin Guoren's works. We can understand the profound Chinese culture from it. Qin Guoren still remembers Yang Lu'an's teaching to him: "innovative works can see personality, and it doesn't involve vulgar and worldly influences. He is good at taking the former sages to become himself, and the canals into water go back to the forefathers. "


Qin Guoren's Chinese culture has begun to go to the world.




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