全球首次1亿美元NFT发行 故宫展出 胜大庄珍宝-米芾书法长卷

全球皆知,艺术品投资是第一流的投资!与史蒂文-洛克菲勒团队战略合作的KANDER'S-胜大庄,为了确权与确真,近日在全球最大的 Opensea NFT交易平台,推出北京故宫隆重展出的胜大庄珍宝-北宋米芾「试赐茶乐章」 书法长卷数位艺术品NFT,并将之分权为全球首见的一亿份,每份发行价为1美元起,使人人都可进入高不可攀的艺术品投资殿堂,2月中旬平台上线推出后,已有来自全球各地,消息灵通的数位艺术品爱好者,争相出价抢购NFT,更有全球巨擘抢进一千万份,最高出价已达25倍涨幅之多,来到25美元一份NFT的价位。

As we all know, art investment is the first-class investment! Kander's shengdazhuang, which cooperates strategically with Steven Rockefeller's team, recently launched the calligraphy scroll digital art NFT of Mi Fu of the Northern Song Dynasty, a treasure of shengdazhuang grandly displayed in the Imperial Palace in Beijing, in order to confirm the right and authenticity, and divided it into 100 million copies for the first time in the world, starting from US $1 each, So that everyone can enter the unattainable palace of art investment. After the launch of the platform in mid February, well-informed digital art lovers from all over the world scrambled to bid for NFT, and global giants scrambled for 10 million copies. The highest bid has increased by 25 times, reaching the price of $25 NFT.

全球首次1亿美元NFT发行:故宫展出 胜大庄珍宝-米芾书法长卷


Mi Fu's "try to give tea movement" is a masterpiece of cursive long scroll


Treasures are on display at the Palace Museum in Beijing

米芾是宋朝四大书法名家( 米芾、苏东坡、黄庭坚、蔡襄 )之首,是中国千年书画艺术史上最闪耀的巨星!米芾书法长卷更是稀世珍宝!花一美元就可以拥有米芾传世艺术珍宝!并进入可随时挂牌交易变现的国际艺术投资殿堂。 这是 KANDER'S-胜大庄古董字画交易中心,推出艺术品五成贷款,轰动国际艺术品投资市场后,又一大创举。

Mi Fu is the first of the four famous calligraphers in the Song Dynasty (Mi Fu, Su Dongpo, Huang Tingjian and Cai Xiang). He is the most shining star in the history of Chinese calligraphy and painting for thousands of years! Mi Fu calligraphy scroll is a rare treasure! You can have Mi Fu's handed down art treasures for one dollar! And enter the palace of international art investment that can be traded and realized at any time. This is another innovation after Kander's shengdazhuang antique calligraphy and painting Trading Center launched 50% loan for works of art and caused a sensation in the international art investment market.

KANDER'S-胜大庄总裁李志仁说:「 艺术品投资的导入,希望能带给NFT世界一股清新又健康的投资主流, 同时促进艺术品投资大众化,并将中华文化艺术之美为全人类所共享。」

Li Zhiren, President of Kander's shengdazhuang, said, "the introduction of art investment is expected to bring a fresh and healthy mainstream of investment to the NFT world, promote the popularization of art investment, and share the beauty of Chinese culture and art for all mankind."

KENDER’S-胜大庄是集现代化、多元化、国际化的文化企业王国:1980年代由笔墨大王发展到拥有自己的美术馆、官窑馆、珍宝馆、皇家艺术生活馆、艺术品投资中心、 艺术品交易中心、鉴定鉴价中心、国际艺术展览中心、国际书道联盟等,并首创亚洲第一家华人艺术品拍卖公司 KANDER'S;1993年在中国各省共捐建111所「建德小学」。

It is a diversified international exhibition center of Arts and crafts from the Royal ink collection, the king of art collection, the king of art collection and the king of art collection in the 1980s to the international art appraisal center of the Royal ink collection, the king of art collection in the 1980s, And initiated Kander's, the first Chinese art auction company in Asia; In 1993, a total of 111 "Jiande primary schools" were donated in all provinces of China.

1980~90年代,胜大庄承接了众多各省大藏家数量庞大的中国历代名人字画、名瓷官窑、商周铜器、古董珠宝珍玩等,使KANDER'S-胜大庄成为名副其实享誉国际的 「台北第二故宫 」。

From 1980s to 1990s, shengdazhuang undertook a large number of famous Chinese calligraphy and paintings, famous porcelain official kilns, Shang and Zhou bronzes, antique jewelry treasures, etc. from many provinces, making Kander's shengdazhuang a truly world-renowned "second Forbidden City in Taipei".

全球首次1亿美元NFT发行:故宫展出 胜大庄珍宝-米芾书法长卷

李志仁先生摄于北京故宫博物院正门 画展广告看板前

Mr. Li Zhiren was photographed in front of the advertising board of the painting exhibition at the main gate of the Palace Museum in Beijing

1990年北京故宫博物院隆重举办KANDER'S-胜大庄总裁「李志仁先生书画创作暨珍藏展」 人山人海,参观人数达数百万人,轰动国际。

In 1990, the Palace Museum in Beijing grandly held the "Mr. Li Zhiren calligraphy and painting creation and collection exhibition" of Kander's shengdazhuang president, which attracted millions of visitors and caused a sensation in the world.

KANDER’S-胜大庄 OPENSEA平台:reurl.cc/EpNz9g

Kander's - shengdazhuang opensea platform: reurl cc/EpNz9g



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