


Hao LIANLI has made more and more remarkable achievements in calligraphy in recent years, thanks to his continuous hard study for more than 40 years.

总结一下他的学习方法大致有三种渠道:一是从书本刊物 上学习。这些年,郝连利连续十年订阅了《中国书画报》《书法》 刊物,收集齐了近20年内的《书法研究》刊物。郝连利读书法理论书很杂,对魏晋时期的《笔阵图》《笔势论》 ,到隋唐时期张怀瓘的《用笔十法》《书断》 孙过庭的《书谱》直至刘熙载的《艺概》等书法理论都有涉猎。郝连利看得最多的是孙过庭的《书谱》,他认为孙过庭在《书谱》里边全面地总结了书法创作从构思到执笔创作的全过程,有点像刘勰《神思》篇所讲的“文之思也,其神远矣。故寂然凝虑,思接千载;悄焉动容,视通万里;吟咏之间,吐纳珠玉之声;眉睫之前,卷舒风云之色"书法创作也要事先思虑想象、构思、酝酿达到胸有成竹,腹有底稿然后挥笔才能势如破竹一泄千里。

To sum up, there are roughly three channels for his learning methods: one is to learn from books and journals. In recent years, Hao LIANLI has subscribed to the publications of China calligraphy and painting daily and calligraphy for ten consecutive years, and collected the publications of Calligraphy Research in recent 20 years. Hao LIANLI's books on the theory of reading methods are very miscellaneous, from the "pen array" and "pen Posture Theory" in the Wei and Jin Dynasties to the "ten methods of using pen" and "Book fragments" by Zhang Huaixiang in the Sui and Tang Dynasties Guo Ting's "Book Manual" and Liu Xizai's "art concept" have been involved in calligraphy theories. What Hao LIANLI sees most is sun Guoting's Book Manual. He thinks that sun Guoting comprehensively summarizes the whole process of calligraphy creation from conception to writing, which is a bit like Liu Xie's "thinking of literature is also far away from its spirit". Therefore, it is quiet and calm, thinking for thousands of years; quietly and moving, seeing thousands of miles and chanting Before the eyebrows and eyelashes, the color of the wind and cloud should be relaxed. "Calligraphy creation should also think about imagination, conception and brewing in advance, so as to have a ready mind and a manuscript, and then swing a pen to vent thousands of miles.



One of the modern calligraphers Hao LIANLI also admired was Bai Qiao. Bai Qiao was not a famous calligrapher in the history of Chinese calligraphy, but Bai Qiao was very interested in calligraphy "Art values creation, which is not easy to say, but sometimes people all over the world are mistaken. Most Chinese and Western painters who have been born in recent years are poisoned by this language. This is all due to those who are strong and University, and non ordinary children can communicate with language. Literature and art are connected with teaching, learning, insight and mind It's the most secret. "I agree very much. Look at the various writing methods developed by many contemporary calligraphers under the banner of exploration and innovation. They can be written with a pen in their feet, with a pen in their mouth, and even with a pen in their genitals. They really spoil the elegance of calligraphy.


His second method of learning is to learn from famous calligraphers. In recent years, he has paid homage to famous calligraphers such as Cui Xuelu, Wang naiyong, Zhang Junliang and Zhuang Peisen. Although some teachers give more correspondence guidance, Hao LIANLI has learned from these teachers the depth of Sinology, the preciseness of scholarship and the humility of life. Especially from military calligrapher Zhang Junliang He benefited a lot from the four methods of learning calligraphy: "specialization, perseverance, diligence and thinking", which made great progress in his calligraphy skills.


The third way to learn is to take advantage of various exhibitions and activities to ask professional teachers for advice. In the second half of 2016 alone, Hao LIANLI spent his time in Beijing for physical examination and went to China Art Museum, China Museum, National Library, Han Meilin Art Museum, Beijing Liulichang, Songzhuang painter village, 798 Art District and other Chinese art boutique distribution centers and grass-roots art exhibitions Area.


Intuitively and stereoscopically understand the origin and development process of Chinese calligraphy and painting art.



In the China Art Museum, he saw that the art master Liu Zhibai pursues art, does not pursue fame and wealth, and is willing to abide by the conduct and sentiment of poor real Chinese artists. What impressed Hao LIANLI most about Liu Zhibai's painting exhibition was the four methods of learning art proposed by Liu Zhibai in his later years, namely "on" law, defense, merit and transformation " Lian Li said that if Mr. Liu Zhibai had such an idea in the early years, he would have taken fewer detours and wasted a lot of time.


Liu Zhibai's four methods of learning arts are similar to Zhang Junliang's four methods of learning books. But Liu Zhibai's four methods of learning arts were put forward as early as the 1930s, and we didn't see them until more than 80 years later. Hao LIANLI was very impressed when he thought of this.


Participating in China's "Huaxia star and charity calligraphy and painting club" On the, Hao LIANLI didn't let go of asking professional teachers for advice. During the free activity time, Hao LIANLI successively asked famous calligraphers and painters such as Mr. Yang Laichun, President of Shaanxi painting academy, Mr. Miao Chongan. According to Cao Yuwen, head of the reporter Station of China painting and calligraphy newspaper in Beijing, the host of the activity, Hao LIANLI came from Heilongjiang braved the wind and snow and participated in China this time Star is one of the most distant artists in the calligraphy and painting club with charity. It is worth admiring that Hao LIANLI himself is a patient who has had a diversion operation for rectal cancer for four years. He can come all the way to Beijing as a patient to give love to Li Xin, a leukemia patient, instead of Zhang Yang. Taking this visit to Beijing as an opportunity to learn, we can see Hao LIANLI's noble and great character The heart of love.



Through this trip to Beijing, Hao LIANLI broadened his horizons, saw the breadth and depth of Chinese culture, found his own direction of learning books, and believed that he would bring more good news to people when he came to Beijing next time.

郝连成 2016-11-21

Hao Liancheng November 21, 2016


Tongzhou, Beijing



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