正在使用的 声控 不是现在才有的高科技 西游记就有


正在使用的: 声控,不是现在才有的高科技!西游记就有!

What is being used: voice control is not a high technology only now! Journey to the West!



Six character mantra of journey to the West


唵( ō NG), Ma, n ī)、 Bell (b) ē i) , M ē i) , hum (H) ō ng)

《西游记》是老少皆宜、百看不厌的古典小说。聪明机灵、法力高强的孙猴子,勇敢而又正直,他大闹天庭,偷吃仙丹、享用天庭美食,佛祖挥手就把泼猴压在了五指山下。五百年后,观音菩萨让他拜唐僧为师,前往西天取经。但是,令孙悟空头疼的紧箍咒究竟是什么?《西游记》中唐僧一共念了7次紧箍咒,只要唐僧一念唵嘛呢叭咪吽的唵嘛呢叭咪吽的6字咒语,孙悟空立马头痛难忍、满地打滚。这6字名叫: “定心真言”,是佛教真言中的观音名号:如莲花般清净不染,与其清净智。观音菩萨设置的六字紧箍咒,说白了就是声控指令:唐僧出声念出口令,金箍收到指令就不停地收缩,压迫孙悟空的脑袋,让其头痛、驯服、听话。

Journey to the West It is a classic novel suitable for all ages and never tired of reading. Sun monkey, who is smart, clever and powerful, is brave and honest. He makes a scene in heaven, steals fairy pills and enjoys heavenly food. The Buddha waves and presses the monkey down at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain. Five hundred years later, Guanyin Bodhisattva asked him to worship Tang Monk as a teacher and go to the west to learn scriptures. But what is the hoop curse that bothers Sun Wukong? In journey to the west, the Tang Monk recited the tight hoop mantra seven times. As soon as the Tang Monk recited the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of the mantra of , is the name of Guanyin in the Buddhist mantra: it is as pure as a lotus, rather than as pure and intelligent. The six character tight hoop mantra set by Guanyin Bodhisattva is a voice control instruction: the Tang Monk reads the password aloud, and the Golden hoop shrinks constantly when receiving the instruction, oppressing the monkey King's head, making his head painful, tame and obedient.




Mani bamihong is the mantra of Tibetan Buddhism, also known as the six character mantra. It is transliterated into Chinese as mani, Mani, BAM, moo and Hong. It is the most respected mantra in Tibetan Buddhism.


The six character Daming mantra "Nama bamihong" is a compassionate mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and samadhi is positive determination and positive reception. In Yuanjue Sutra, it is said that there are three dharmas, which are Yuanjue, closeness and obedience, and ten Tathagata. Therefore, all kinds of conveniences, all similarities and differences, depend on the three causes. If you get Yuanjue, you will get Yuanjue.


That is Sumata, samabhati (samadhi) and Zen. If all sentient beings practice samabhati, they should first remember all Bodhisattvas in the ten Tathagata and the ten worlds, and gradually practice industrious samadhi according to various doors, and practicing the six character Daming mantra belongs to the category of samadhi Dharma.




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