



Study the chapters of aesthetic principles in Peking University


My understanding of beauty


Aesthetic, I'm talking about artistic aesthetic.


Today's collection circle can't figure out the true and false of ancient Chinese artworks. The reason is that the aesthetic knowledge is poor, or there is no sense of beauty at all.


In fact, I don't think the word collapse exists in the majority of collectors.

因为本身就没有好好学过审美。什么才是美?是一个很模糊的概念 ,甚至是没有。古代艺术品这种东西原来就不属于不具备专业知识的人。

Because I haven't studied aesthetics well. What is beauty? It's a very vague concept, or even none. Ancient works of art originally did not belong to the common people.


In ancient times, art was royal art. You can imagine the royal culture, art, aesthetics, attainments, hegemony and financial resources.


But now there are 80 million collections, so what if they can't? If the facts are there, then we have to make up a lesson. thank you!


Aesthetics is human nature and necessity. A person who doesn't know truth, goodness and beauty is an imperfect person. He doesn't know what beauty is. Art has nothing to do with him!


Let's take a look at the discussion of the United States in Chinese history and that of foreign friends.


The discussion of beauty in the history of Chinese art

中国古代对“美”的问题是有不少论述的。如沉鱼落雁 ,羞花闭月,红唇白齿,眼送秋波。又如孔子、孟子、荀子等都曾谈过美,值得注意的是,在先秦美学思想中,就存在着对美的概念进行深入思考的倾向。如老子曾说: 天下皆知美之为美,斯恶已,皆知善之为善,斯不善已。用今天的话说,就是天下人都知道什么是美,这就有丑恶之分了,天下人都知道什么是善的时候,这就有不善的了。

In ancient China, there were many discussions on the issue of "beauty". Such as fish and geese, shy flowers and moon, red lips and white teeth, eyes send autumn. Confucius, Mencius and Xunzi all talked about beauty. It is worth noting that there is a tendency to think deeply about the concept of beauty in pre Qin aesthetics. As Lao Tzu once said: the world knows that beauty is beauty, that evil is good, that good is good, and that evil is bad. In today's words, when people all over the world know what beauty is, there are ugly things. When people all over the world know what good is, there are bad things.

俄国革命民主主义者车尔尼雪夫斯基(1828-1889)对美所下的定义是“美是生活”。他说: 美是生活。任何事物,凡是我们在那里面看得见依照我们的理解应当如此的生活,那就是美的。任何东西,凡是显示出生活或使我们想起生活的,那就是美的。

Russian revolutionary Democrat Chernychevsky (1828-1889) defined beauty as "beauty is life". He said: beauty is life. Anything that we can see in it, that we should live as we understand it, is beautiful. Anything that shows or reminds us of life is beautiful.

车尔尼雪夫斯基论证美是生活时,提出两点: 美包含着一种可爱的,为我们心所宝贵的东西。

When Chernishevsky argued that beauty is life, he put forward two points: Beauty contains something lovely and precious to our hearts.


Beauty is a living thing, is a variety of objects, life has the above characteristics. He thinks that the most common among the lovely things is life, the ideal life.

然后,他为了论证美是 应当如此的生活。

Then, in order to prove that beauty should live like this.


This paper analyzes three situations of the performance of China and the United States in various fields.

一, 普通人民看美好的生活是: 丰衣足食而又辛勤劳动,因此农家少女体格强壮,长得很结实,这也是乡下美人的必要条件,青年农民或农家少女都有非常鲜嫩红润的面色。

1、 In the eyes of the ordinary people, a good life is rich in food and clothing and hard work. Therefore, rural girls are strong and strong, which is also a necessary condition for rural beauties. Young farmers or rural girls have very fresh and ruddy faces.

ニ、上流社会中美人则是以纤手细足为美,甚至以病态为美。因为这是社会上层阶级觉得唯一值得过的生活,即: 没有体力劳动的生活标志。

However, in the upper class, the beauty is the delicate hands and feet, even the morbid. Because this is the only life that the upper class thinks is worth living, that is, a sign of life without physical labor.


According to Chernishevsky's analysis, this kind of "beauty" is determined by the lifestyle of upper class people. Because her ancestors did not rely on their hands to work and live, is idle life.

三、真正的有教养的人,认为: 真正的生活是思想和心灵的生活。这样的生活在面部表情,特别是眼睛上捺下了烙印,一个人只因为有一双美丽的富于表情的眼晴,而在我们看来就是美的。

3、 Real educated people believe that real life is the life of mind and soul. This kind of life is branded on the facial expression, especially on the eyes. A person is beautiful only because he has a pair of beautiful expressive eyes.

所以我认为: 美源于生活,美源于劳动,美源于大自然,美源于自信。

So I think: beauty comes from life, beauty from labor, beauty from nature, beauty from self-confidence.

例如: 舞蹈,就是把最平凡的起床、梳妆、炒菜,做饭、拔草、劳动等加工成为优美的艺术界体。

For example: dance is the most ordinary wake-up, dressing, cooking, weeding, labor and other processing into a beautiful art body.


Every plant, every flower, every tree, every mountain and every water in nature is the golden mountain and the silver mountain.


People, animals, birds and beasts, these are the source of beauty.


The sense of art is that there is beauty in the heart, and the breath and fragrance of beauty are everywhere. It is finally reflected in the clothing, language, soul, architecture, art and so on.


Beauty is the soul of all works of art!


The same is true in ancient and modern times.

艺术品的灵魂 体现在它的神韵。没有神韵的东西如同废物。

The soul of art is embodied in its charm. Things without verve are like rubbish.


Therefore, works of art must be true first, only true can be beautiful, true is the accurate expression of things, to be realistic, art is higher than reality.


For example, leaves have roots and veins, flowers and plants have a feeling of being ready to move. Landscape painting should have a vision of mountains and peaks from a close view. The eyes of people and animals are vivid and vivid. The overall feeling is that they have spirit and rhyme.


If it is like a white gourd with two bamboo poles and a graceful and graceful beauty, it is self-evident.


You say, it's very abstract. In fact, it's not abstract at all. There are not many such beauties, because they are all in the flow. It's not easy for you to catch them.


Beauty, to discover.


People working in the vast fields, although she is covered with sweat and mud, but when she gets up and wipes the sweat on her face with her arm, she looks back with a smile. Is it natural beauty, very beautiful.


Because of her heartfelt joy, you are beautiful no matter how you look at it.


There are rainbows after rain, sprouts in spring, roses with dew in the morning, grass and so on. Do you think it's beautiful?! Beautiful! This is the beauty of nature!


Beauty can be seen everywhere and is always there.


Beauty should be good at observation! Beauty should be good at discovering!


Beauty should be good at understanding! Aesthetic, you have to have a heart of beauty! Aesthetic, you have to have a pair of beautiful eyes! thank you! thank you!




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