

In 2020, new champion war epidemic · music art predecessors eulogize heroes with songs and remember a period of time.


For a work, art needs emotion and emotion needs sincerity, which is the creative idea that Mr. Zhou Shouhong always adheres to. Never force the face to laugh, never worry about Fu's new words, cry and laugh to be true, to be true, to face life and art.



Mr. Zhou Shouhong is a famous composer and erhu performer in China. He was born in Xiantao City, Wuhan City, Hubei Province. Xiantao, with a history of more than 1500 years, is one of the birthplaces of Jingchu culture. It is adjacent to Hanshui in the north, Yangtze River in the South and Wuhan in the East. It is not only the place of Mr. Zhou Shouhong's clothing, but also his spiritual hometown.



As a part of Jianghan Plain, Xiantao City is a typical land of fish and rice, not a paradise but a paradise. In the long history and peaceful period, people who live in Xiantao have plenty of food and clothing. After dinner, they often rely on Qin, chess, calligraphy, painting, landscape and beautiful scenery to create a splendid spiritual culture.



The cultural atmosphere is very important for a person's growth, which directly affects their fate. Influenced and influenced, Zhou Shouhong is in the rich cultural atmosphere of Xiantao, such as entering the room of Zhilan, gradually sending out a distinctive cultural and artistic temperament.



In addition to the long history and culture, the influence of the times on Zhou Shouhong is more profound. Zhou Shouhong was born on July 10, 1956. At that time, there were several major events in mainland China. The State Council passed the resolution of the State Council on Promulgating the simplified scheme of Chinese characters. At the same time, it established the Central Working Committee for popularizing Putonghua, and the Chinese character Reform Commission published the Chinese Pinyin scheme (Draft). This makes Zhou Shouhong the first generation to learn and use modern Chinese, improves the learning efficiency, and contacts more diverse new ideas and cultures outside Xiantao City.



Zhou Shouhong was born in the same month of the same year. Changchun No.1 Automobile factory successfully trial produced the first batch of domestic Jiefang trucks, and the Chinese people have their own car - Jiefang. In his childhood, Zhou Shouhong had countless hopes, admirations and aspirations for Jiefang car. He even wanted to be a truck driver of Jiefang car.



Unfortunately, the beloved liberation car didn't let Zhou Shouhong sit in the driver's cab, but sent him to school, and opened a small door on the bumpy road of music and art. Since then, Zhou Shouhong's life and melody as a companion, and music tie up, in the ups and downs of the long journey continued to sing.



In 1978, two years after the cultural revolution, Zhou Shouhong graduated from Wuhan Conservatory of music. As one of the nine independent music colleges in China, she has provided Zhou Shouhong with excellent music professional skills, cultivated lofty music art literacy, and laid a solid foundation for the future music art road.



From 1989 to 1991, Zhou Shouhong was selected by the Ministry of culture to study composition in China Conservatory of music. Zhou Shouhong, who has made great achievements, has successively served as the president of Jianli County Musicians Association, curator and research librarian of Jianli County Culture Museum. He is now a member of the Chinese Musicians Association and a national art examiner.



Zhou Shouhong did not forget to create songs, TV music, opera music, instrumental music and more than 500 pieces of music works after his work, winning the National Star Creation Award! Enjoy State Council allowance. Representative songs "Chinese", "my Jiangcheng", "facing everything" song and dance "rural spring dawn"; drama "fishing mother, lotus sister, Red Army brother"; instrumental music "love in a dream", etc.


In 1989, Zhou Shouhong's instrumental work "love in a dream" was sent to the German art festival for performance.



In 1992, he participated in the creation of the song "rural spring dawn" of Hubei Jingchu culture and Art Festival and won the first prize of the city;


In October 1998, Zhou Shouhong's personal song selection "rotating stage" was published by China International Culture Publishing Company.


From 2006 to 2008, the Jianli folk song "luoluodong", which is featured by folk songs, was selected as the national intangible cultural heritage protection project.



In 2008, Yu Ma, Lian Mei and Red Army brother (screenwriter: Yin chongjun, composer: Zhou Shouhong) participated in the Eighth National Art Festival and won the Fourteenth National Star Creation Award; wrote the episode "I'll take he long to cross the lake" for the TV series "the sound of the gun rises again", which was broadcast on CCTV 1 and CCTV 2;


In March 2020, he joined the World Federation of cultural and art circles and became a member of the Asian Musicians Association.




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2020-04-03 10:58:38
写得真好 这篇文章!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!