【世界文联】弘扬传统文化 易学后继有人


本网訊(陈运发 康晓来)易学大家冯祥顺收徒,弘扬传统文化。为弘扬传统文化、传播国学知识,易学实战专家冯祥顺收徒仪式于农历二零二零年十一月十日在平顶山金山煲典隆重举行。这场隆重的仪式,迎来了社会各界人士的广泛关注!

Wang Xun (Chen Yunfa, Kang Xiaolai) Feng Xiangshun, a great master of the book of changes, accepted apprentices and carried forward traditional culture. In order to promote traditional culture and spread knowledge of traditional Chinese culture, the ceremony of accepting apprentices by Feng Xiangshun, a practical expert of Yi ology, was held on November 10 of the lunar calendar in Jinshan, Pingdingshan. This grand ceremony ushered in the wide attention of people from all walks of life!



The meeting was held by sun Tongqing, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of Pingdingshan Municipal People's Congress and consultant of Pingdingshan I-Ching Association, Jia Xinmin, former deputy secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission and director of Supervision Office of Pingdingshan intermediate court, founder and honorary chairman of Pingdingshan I-Ching Association, Mao Aiguo, former deputy secretary of Pingdingshan Discipline Committee, Wu Jianbiao, Party Secretary of ceramic College of Pingdingshan University, Liu Wei, President of Pingdingshan Guangfa bank, Henan Province Si Xiangzhu, chairman of Haike Technology Co., Ltd., and Zheng Qian, deputy director of Henan Pingdingshan Zhongbo station. Jia Baojie, Zheng Jinyang, Liu Qingguo, fan Haitao, Duan Hongliang, Qi Shoupu, Yu Shuiying, Zhao Zhihai, Guo shuanjian, Chao Weiyang and Zhang Qingwei also attended the meeting to witness the ceremony!



易学大家冯祥顺,德艺双馨,他的今天,是在逆境之中,不忘初心,一点点拼搏奋斗而来。他的勤奋上进是大家共识! 见证人代表、原平顶山市人大常委会副主任、市易经协会顾问孙同庆,原平顶山市中级法院纪委副书记、监察室主任、市易经协会创始人、名誉主席贾新民分别致辞。

Feng Xiangshun, a great scholar of the book of changes, is a man of virtue and art. Today, he is in adversity. He never forgets his original intention and works hard. His diligence and self-improvement is the consensus of all! Sun Tongqing, the former deputy director of the Standing Committee of Pingdingshan Municipal People's Congress and consultant of Pingdingshan I-Ching Association, and Jia Xinmin, the former deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and director of the supervision office of Pingdingshan intermediate court, founder and honorary chairman of Pingdingshan I-Ching Association, delivered speeches respectively.




Wang Jinshan, the apprentice's representative, shared what he said in "why should I worship Feng Xiangshun as a teacher", and jointly read out the oath: love the party and love the country, learn from others for the truth, respect the teacher and respect the way, be a good man, cultivate both morality and art, have a good heart for beauty, learn from others for the sake of their kindness, inherit and carry forward, promote the new, and bring benefits to the world.


At the reception ceremony, Feng Xiangshun delivered a speech: "the book of changes" is the first of all the classics, the root of Chinese culture, and an important part of traditional culture, which is known as the quintessence of Chinese culture. This time, Wang Jinshan and Kang Xiaolai are students who have been identified with them for many years. They are very excellent, full of understanding, and like to learn from the book of changes, with excellent personality and deep cultural heritage With the country's increasing emphasis on traditional culture, there has been an unprecedented craze for traditional Chinese culture in the society. In order to inherit Yi ology, Feng Xiangshun has been invited to hold several lectures on life and environment. With these excellent students, I believe that the road of inheriting culture will go longer and farther!




浏览量:136206 时间:2020-11-20 16:58:01

浏览量:170956 时间:2018-05-28 10:34:28

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