
本网讯(陈磊磊 刘僧会 通讯员 朱祥兆)2020年11月14日,由北京市群众心目中的好党员刘僧会组织的著名书法家相聚笔会颂祖国活动在武当山净乐宫国礼书画院举行。

On November 14, 2020, the famous calligraphers, organized by Liu Seng Association, a good party member in the minds of the people in Beijing, gathered to celebrate the motherland in the national ceremony calligraphy and Painting Academy of jingle palace in Wudang Mountain.




In order to inherit and carry forward the traditional culture, build a cultural power, enhance personal morality and sentiment, help the current harmonious social development, expand our horizons, and increase people's life fun, some famous calligraphers and painters in Beijing show their calligraphy art to everyone.


The famous calligraphers who attended the meeting were as follows:


Zhang Baosheng


Zhang Baosheng, graduated from the Central Conservatory of music. He studied under Professor Shen Xiang and Professor Jiang Ying. He is the head of the military friends art troupe of National Defense University and a national first-class tenor. Vice president of Junyou painting and Calligraphy Institute of National Defense University. Vice president of Beijing general painting and Calligraphy Academy. In 2015, he won the excellent calligrapher and painter award in the culture and art exhibition of Expo Milano, Italy. Gold Award of CCTV painting and calligraphy exhibition. Deputy director of the culture and Art Committee of the United Nations international week for science and peace. He won the gold award of world artists' commemoration of Mao Zedong's painting and calligraphy art exhibition. He was awarded the medal of honor on August 1 and the Chinese patriotic medal.




Zhang Hongzhi


Zhang Hongzhi, born in Beijing, is vice president of Guoli calligraphy and Painting Academy of jingle palace in Wudang Mountain, vice president of Guoli calligraphy and Painting Academy of China Promotion Association, member of China Great Wall calligraphers and Painters Association. Zhai No. ink library, Mo shrimp hall. Influenced by his family, he loved painting and calligraphy since he was a child. He learned from Liu and Zhao in his childhood, and learned from Wang in his old age. His works are written in a clean and scholarly way. Painting focuses on fish, shrimp and crab. On the basis of learning from Qi Baishi's traditional ink shrimp, after years of experience, he has gradually developed into his own style. The shape of the ink shrimp is beautiful and smooth, and the biggest feature is fresh and flexible. And summed up the shrimp painting formula and painting shrimp should have the "eighteen have" enlightenment, good reflection. The painted koi is flexible and elegant. Many works have been exhibited and won awards. In 2015, he participated in the painting exhibition of China Academy of painting and calligraphy Expo in Milan, Italy. His work "the water of the green dragon" was awarded a silver medal and awarded a silver medal. In 2016, the Chinese Academy of painting and calligraphy held an audition exhibition of "my favorite calligrapher and painter" in Shanghai grand World Guinness headquarters. 8096 high votes won the silver award and awarded medals. His creation of the hundred meter long scroll has reached a new level.




Chen Shijin


Chen Shijin, male, named Dongfang Yunzi. Born in 1953. First class artist, master of books. He is currently the vice president of the Academy of Chinese painting, vice president of the Academy of Chinese painting. Over the past 40 years, the author has constantly learned from others' strong points, studied calligraphy theory and kept on writing, and gradually formed an artistic style of vigorous writing, flexible rhythm, plump and hearty, bold and unconstrained momentum. His works have won the Milan International Excellence Award in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations and the 70th anniversary of the victory of the world anti fascist war. He has participated in the tour exhibition of contemporary calligraphers and painters of Expo Milan, the exhibition of 100 calligraphers and painters on the 15th anniversary of Macao's return to China, and the invitation exhibition of Chinese painters and painters on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France Travel Research Association and international friends collection.




Introduction to Lu Jingying


Lu Jingying, whose name is Jing Yan, is a quiet hermit. He was born in the Ming Tombs of Changping, Beijing in 1950. Manchu. Since childhood, he loved calligraphy very much. He started with Yan style and repaired all inscriptions. After that, Liu Bingsen and Lu Dingshan pasted to specialize in Lishu, with unique and vigorous characters. He was once invited to write an inscription by the special forces of the Chinese people's Liberation Army. The works are loved by Japanese and American people all over the country. Mr. Lu Jingying is currently the director of China Federation of calligraphy and painting circles, Chinese Minister, researcher of general calligraphy and painting academy, vice president of Guoli calligraphy and Painting Academy of China Council for promotion, academician of China TV channel calligraphy and painting academy, member of Oriental art world, academician of China Buddhist Association, and Wudang Xianshan resident. Mr. Lu Jingying is enthusiastic about calligraphy and painting public welfare, and has been traveling all over the country for a long time to participate in cultural exchange and large-scale Pen Club activities Huawang, CCTV, media alliance, famous artists of the times, people's artists and other media have reported on his deeds for many times, and won hundreds of honorary certificates and awards issued by relevant authorities. His calligraphy works have become the classic calendar of Fuman world in 2018, and have been selected into the national calligraphy and painting monograph and classics. He is the most valuable and influential calligrapher in contemporary China.




Wang faming


Wang faming (Mo Yan) male, 67 years old, settled in Beijing, Wudang Mountain, Taoist name Chongming. At present, he is the vice president of the national ritual calligraphy and Painting Academy of China Council for promotion; vice president of the national ritual calligraphy and Painting Academy of Wudang Mountain jingle palace; vice president of China Yuquan mountain calligraphy and painting academy; executive director and deputy director of creation Committee of Chinese Calligraphy Art Research Institute; academician of calligraphy and Painting Academy of China Taoist Association; senior academician of Beijing Branch of World Chinese Calligraphers Association. His works won the gold medal in the painting and calligraphy exhibition to commemorate the 125th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birthday; in 2018, he co created a 100 meter long scroll of calligraphy and painting with famous flower and bird painter Mr. LV Yanting, which has been collected by the United Nations Asian Cultural Federation. Chairman Mao's book one belt, one road, was collected by the Embassy of the kingdom of Morocco. The book "winning the world by the East Yangtze River" was collected by the world famous brand conference. It was awarded the "Chinese charity and love contribution artist". It was awarded the example of "model spring Festival Gala" and the nineteen artists who are delighted to welcome the new year's heart. In addition, his works have been collected by many families and individuals at home and abroad.



何洪义简介 :

He Hongyi

何洪义 ,军人出身,原就职于首都经贸大学。自幼酷爱书法艺术,并求教于众多书法名家,尤以行书、榜书擅长。其作品深受民间书画爱好者喜欢并收藏,被文化部授予2017年度德艺双馨人物。现为中国书画界联合会会员,中国书法艺术研究院艺委会委员,中国非物质文化遗产保护联盟书画艺术委员会委员,中促会国礼书画院副院长,世界何氏书画院院士,北京何氏书画院副院长。

He Hongyi, a soldier, originally worked in Capital University of economics and trade. Since childhood, he loved calligraphy and sought advice from many famous calligraphers, especially Xingshu and bangshu. His works are deeply loved and collected by folk calligraphy and painting lovers, and awarded the 2017 figure of virtue and art by the Ministry of culture. He is now a member of the Chinese calligraphy and painting Federation, a member of the Art Committee of the Chinese Academy of calligraphy and painting, a member of the calligraphy and painting art committee of the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Alliance, vice president of the Guoli calligraphy and Painting Academy of China Promotion Association, an academician of the world he family calligraphy and painting academy, and vice president of the Beijing he family calligraphy and painting academy.




Wang bingzeng


Wang bingzeng was named deshuo and Sushi (rain stone). He once taught in Hebei University of technology, vice president of Guoli calligraphy and Painting Academy of China Association for the promotion of international economic and technological cooperation, vice president of Huaxia Silk Road painting academy, vice president of China International Cultural Exchange calligraphy and painting academy, director of Calligraphy Creation Institute of Lanting Yaji Beijing Calligraphy and Painting Academy, manager of China Contemporary Artists Association, and entertaining artists by Korean spiritual culture foundation. He is a distinguished artist at the Confucius Institute in sikantaki, USA, and a visiting professor at the Confucius Institute of Prince songka University in Thailand. Wang de Shuo has been working hard for decades. With his reverence and reverence for the way of calligraphy, he comprehended, moved and thought through the diligent practice of "learning from the ancient but not from the ancient", which formed today's artistic style of atmosphere, massiveness and handsome. In recent years, Wang deshuo and his works have been highly praised by the industry and loved by friends from all walks of life. More and more works are loved and collected by Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and other international friends. Wang deshuo was fond of calligraphy since he was a child. He inherited his family's learning. He learned from Mr. Yao Xiaoyao, vice chairman of Hebei Calligraphers Association, Mr. Liu Bingsen, former vice chairman of China Calligrapher Association, Mr. Qi Baishi, and Mr. Ma Zhifeng, his disciple.




Zhang Qianzhuang


Zhang Qianzhuang, male, born in 1954, is a Han nationality. * Lao Zhuang, Po Dong Yi Yin, Zhu long wanderer. His ancestral home is Baoding, now he lives in Beijing. National level artist, national level book mage. In the 1960s, he learned from the national master of calligraphy and painting, Mr. Li Chunlin. His major is calligraphy, landscape and flowers and birds. He was admitted to Hebei Academy of Fine Arts in the 1970s. Since the 1980s, he has participated in many exhibitions of calligraphy and painting at home and abroad. He has won gold award, first prize and second prize for many times. The winning works were collected by entrepreneurs and celebrities respectively. After 2000, under the guidance of national first-class art masters and calligraphers such as Zhai weiqi and Cui Ligen, the calligraphy and painting skills have been constantly improved, forming their own unique calligraphy and painting art style. He is currently an academician of China Wanli running Calligraphers Association, director of Beijing Huaxia sunset red calligraphy and painting art research institute, vice chairman of World Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, special calligraphers and painters of China new media information network of the Ministry of culture, senior consultant and special painter of China Publishing Network calligraphy and painting channel of the Ministry of culture. He has won the title of world peace and harmony public welfare ambassador, and China International Economic and Technological Cooperation Promotion Association Vice president of Guoli calligraphy and painting academy, senior consultant of Beijing Lihai Longsheng culture media Co., Ltd., consultant and director of China dream and culture China Wanlixing.




Introduction to Hu Ji

胡骥,1978年生于北京。自童年就喜欢拿笔弄墨,在学生时代就参加书法和绘画学习班,每当书写一幅作品时就异常兴奋,从骨子中就焕发出一种爱好和追求。叔叔胡正云是齐白石先生女儿齐良芷女士和娄师白先生的长子娄述德先生的徒弟。在胡正云老师的亲授下,研习齐白石、娄师白的书法、绘画、篆刻。尤其是对中国十大名碑《天发神谶碑》喜爱尤佳,达到痴迷程度,并长期进行临摹和发掘,使其方篆笔法日趋成熟,其方篆苍劲有力、古朴大方、风棱有感的笔法发挥得淋漓尽致。独树一枝的风格得到业内人士的一致好评。胡骥的作品多次参加展览获奖,并得到国内外人士的收藏。其篆刻作品更是得到业内的褒奖和使用。二零一五年拜胡正云先生为师,正式成为胡正云先生的弟子,齐白石第四代师门传人,并决心毕生为发扬中华民族文化艺术,继承、发扬齐白石先生的书画艺术而奋斗。现任:北京市书法家协会会员,北京市东城区书法家协会理事,武当山净乐宫国礼书画院副院长,海南省齐白石艺术研究会常务理事, 海南省齐白石艺术研究会篆刻部部长,北京九洲书画艺术研究会理事

Hu Ji was born in Beijing in 1978. Since childhood, I like to use pen and ink. When I was a student, I took part in calligraphy and painting classes. When I wrote a piece of work, I was very excited. From my bones, I radiated a hobby and pursuit. Uncle Hu Zhengyun is the apprentice of Mr. Qi Baishi's daughter, Ms. Qi Liangzhi, and Mr. Lou Shude, the eldest son of Mr. Lou Shibai. Under the instruction of Hu Zhengyun, he studied the calligraphy, painting and seal cutting of Qi Baishi and Lou Shibai. Especially for the ten famous steles in China, Tianfa shenchen stele, I like it very much. I have copied and excavated it for a long time, which makes the calligraphy of Fangzhuan become more and more mature. Its vigorous, simple and generous, and the style and edge of its strokes are fully displayed. The unique style has been highly praised by the industry. Hu Ji's works have won many awards in exhibitions and have been collected by people at home and abroad. Its seal cutting works are praised and used in the industry. In 2015, he became a disciple of Mr. Hu Zhengyun and became the fourth generation disciple of Qi Baishi. He was determined to devote his whole life to carrying forward the Chinese culture and art, inheriting and carrying forward Mr. Qi Baishi's calligraphy and painting art. Currently: member of Beijing Calligrapher Association, director of Dongcheng District Calligrapher Association, vice president of Guoli calligraphy and Painting Academy of Wudang Mountain jingle palace, executive director of Hainan Qibaishi Art Research Association, director of seal cutting department of Hainan Qibaishi Art Research Association, and director of Beijing Jiuzhou calligraphy and Painting Art Research Association。





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